Super Moderator
One of your wordiest, nerdiest, " M/A Roving Reporters" will be sallying forth to "America's Dairyland" to bring highlights, anecdotes, industry insider information and impressions of what, for model making folk, may be the greatest gathering of Model Miscreants of the year. That's right Guys and Dolls! Prepare to be amazed! (or bored out of your skull) All y'all know how I bang on about such things.
Texas or Las Vegas in August? Only the most devoted modeler braves those summer temperatures! If you did, my hat is off to you!
Wisconasin in August? Mild temps and breezes from off Lake Michigan sounds like paradise without tiki-bars and palm trees!
Maintenance on Boat Tail 712 is near complete.

Club colors and website decals; properly installed. It's a 310 mile ride to our destination A little less than 5 hours, unless my Sweetie drives. She doesn't look like a Fighter Pilot, but there's one in there! Our car-ride will be unhurried. Dairy Queen, hobby shops and potty stops are included in our itinerary.
Will we make Jimmy's Diner in Dodgeville, WI in time for a leisurely lunch? Could be.
A double handful of Cap-Holder-O-Matic packages and perhaps a few New Rick Raccoon kits will be on board to reward returning TLAR customers and to introduce us to new friends. I made a list of needed model materials and sought after kits to peruse the vendor room for.
I never cheaap-out on my Sweetheart or my hobby. We have saved for the Mad City Modeler's first go at a National show for a long time.
Given the quality of their regular shows and their pioneering in IPMS contest procedures, I expect nothing short of excellence.
There is an added bonus feature in the works. Very hush-hush, of course. Usually I'm blabby. I'm sitting on this one nonetheless.
The shocking pink Surgeons will soon sally forth, ( well,Thursday morning.) stay tuned. You will not get hobby narrative of this kind anywhere else.
Texas or Las Vegas in August? Only the most devoted modeler braves those summer temperatures! If you did, my hat is off to you!
Wisconasin in August? Mild temps and breezes from off Lake Michigan sounds like paradise without tiki-bars and palm trees!
Maintenance on Boat Tail 712 is near complete.

Club colors and website decals; properly installed. It's a 310 mile ride to our destination A little less than 5 hours, unless my Sweetie drives. She doesn't look like a Fighter Pilot, but there's one in there! Our car-ride will be unhurried. Dairy Queen, hobby shops and potty stops are included in our itinerary.
Will we make Jimmy's Diner in Dodgeville, WI in time for a leisurely lunch? Could be.
A double handful of Cap-Holder-O-Matic packages and perhaps a few New Rick Raccoon kits will be on board to reward returning TLAR customers and to introduce us to new friends. I made a list of needed model materials and sought after kits to peruse the vendor room for.
I never cheaap-out on my Sweetheart or my hobby. We have saved for the Mad City Modeler's first go at a National show for a long time.
Given the quality of their regular shows and their pioneering in IPMS contest procedures, I expect nothing short of excellence.
There is an added bonus feature in the works. Very hush-hush, of course. Usually I'm blabby. I'm sitting on this one nonetheless.
The shocking pink Surgeons will soon sally forth, ( well,Thursday morning.) stay tuned. You will not get hobby narrative of this kind anywhere else.