1958 Edsel Gasser Working On The Details!??
Thanks for taking time to comment, Pup and Rhino. I can always count on you guys for feedback. Car builds always seem to be endless prep, fabrication and mock up and this one is no exception. Whacking up a hefty sedan and building an all out drag car takes some MASSage.

I did get some parts painted despite the rain and humidity.
Chassis and floor pan painted and mocked up with the seat to see where things line up. Let's see if the egine fits.

I added some bolt heads to the transmission to bell housing, made from styrene sheet and my hex punch.
That cool seat was screaming for some better seat belts. It's amazing how many more choices there are for small scale aircraft, but hardly any for model car kits. I ordered a set of Pro-Tech from Ted's Modeling Marketplace, they shipped it quickly and the parts are quite cool.
I ordered some seat belt material from Pro-Tech, but it was too thick.

I rummaged around and found the red envelope from an old Christmas card (see why I don't throw things away?}. It was a perfect color and when cut to width, fit the buckles very well. I used 3M Quick Dry adhesive to set things in place. Good reference photos help get the straps where they need to be.
I'll install them after the seat location is determined. I'm still pecking away at the various sub assemblies, it's been too hot and humid to paint the shiny stuff on the body, so stay tuned.
Thanks for coming by, much more to come.