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Search results

  1. Tojo72

    Andy's 1/16th Early Tiger

    I finished this one up last month,it was a lot of fun to put together.Large amounts of paint,glue,and washes were the biggest differences,I have a commander figure that came with it that I'll get to eventually. Thanks for looking. Here is a link to the build up...
  2. Tojo72

    Death and Devestation in WNC

    First I want to say that personally me and my neighbors really dodged a bullet,we avoided flooding and damage in the storm,and only lost power for 26 hrs but the area is pretty devestated,Asheville got hit hard,small towns like Black Mountain,Boone,Chimney Rock,and Swannanoa were devestated,will...
  3. Tojo72

    Tony Lee Pvt Mutt RIP

    I don't know if you guys had heard,but long time member of many forums has passed away.Tony hasn't been on the forums for many years,but I'm sure we all learned a lot by following his blogs. He will be missed for sure
  4. Tojo72

    Kinetic's Belgian F-16 D-Day Comm.

    I did this last year,it was Kinetic's new F-16 kit,a real beauty up with Tamiya's.The decals were by Syhart,I also added a Quinta cockpit,thanks for looking.
  5. Tojo72

    Tamiya LRDG Command Truck

    Finished this one up last week, a neat little kit although the gun was a little finicky. Thanks for looking.
  6. Tojo72

    Tamiya Tiran 5

    Got this one done just after Christmas,but then got sick.A very nice kit except for the old style rubber band tracks,so I added Fruils and a couple of pieces of stowage,I also liked the kit figures.I painted with AK-Real and weathered with washes and Mig Pigments.A fast simple build.
  7. Tojo72

    Arts and Crafts in Asheville

    Saw these little guys downtown the other day at a booth,remind me of "steampunk" stuff,thought they looked cool.
  8. Tojo72

    Tamiya Announces 1/48 F-35

    You guys see this, 9 decal options !!! https://www.tamiyausa.com/blog/lockheed-f-35-lightning-ii/
  9. Tojo72

    Any Floridians? Check in.

    Any forum members in South West Florida,our thoughts are with you and all of the residents, looks pretty bad.We got family on Sanibel island they evacuated ahead of time,but now the causeway is damaged, power is out,may be some time before they can get back to see if their house is ok. Anybody...
  10. Tojo72

    Trumpeter Hetzer-Finished 9/29

    This is one of the kits that I have been working on,picked this one a few years ago at Armorcon in Connecticut.It's a pretty nice little kit,I was looking forward to trying the Modelkasten type indie tracks that came with the kit,but they were a total nightmare,too many attachment points to...
  11. Tojo72

    Hasegawa 1/48 F-18F

    This has to be at least 15 years old,I originally was motivated to build this by the movie Behind Enemy Lines with Owen Wilson,but with Top Gun out,I decided to dust it off and post it.I made it a simple build,no extras or weathering,probably not as detailed as Meng or Hobbyboss but a real nice...
  12. Tojo72

    Tamiya/Italieri M109 Paladin. A Gift For a Friend.

    I built this as a gift for a close friend,his son serves on Paladins in Fort Stewart.Previously he was stationed in Poland.The kit was pretty enjoyable,not Tamiya standards,but still very nice.I built it out of box,painted with mostly Mission Models,weathered in oils and enamels.The base came...
  13. Tojo72

    Cool Stuff !!!

    Grabbed this stuff at the farmers market today,looks like fun,but I guess I shouldn't put in my carry on.
  14. Tojo72

    Hello sir,theres going to a slight delay on getting your BMW

    Reports of auto carrier Felicity Ace carrying a thousand new Porsches plus VWs, Audis, BMWs bound from Emden to the US is on fire in the Atlantic near the Azores.
  15. Tojo72

    Getting Ready for a Little Snow in Southern Applachia

    They are calling for approx 6-12" in our area,not much compared to NJ where I used to live,and other parts of the country and the world, but I am looking forward to it,just hope it doesn't knock out power for my playoff games tomorrow. Gotta go buy bread and milk like all the panicked folks 🙄
  16. Tojo72

    Tamiya JS-2 All Done

    This is what I will be building for the Campaign,looks like a straight forward kit,should be fun.
  17. Tojo72

    Leaf Peeping on the Blue Ridge

    We took a ride up to the BRP, absolutely perfect day for a ride.These shots are from a spot called the Devils Court House, a fairly short hike to the summit offers a panoramic view of the valley below.5720 ft elevation.We feel blessed to live near such beauty.
  18. Tojo72

    My Tamiya M-40 SP Howitzer

    I have been wanting to get this one posted.It was a nicely detailed kit but very buildable.I built it OOB except for the Tamiya metal barrel and shells.My last couple of armor builds I muddied up pretty good with washes and pigments and planned to do the same on this one but I ended up keeping...
  19. Tojo72

    Tiger vs Firefly Complete

    Took a break this week and had fun with this Meng Toon Firefly to match with the Tiger
  20. Tojo72

    Tamiya Easy8 as Fury-Figures Added 9/10

    This was a fun kit that I finished about a month ago.I added the Legends Upgrade Kit.I took my time with this and was happy with the results.I have some figures that I put aside for now,but will add them I the future.