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Search results

  1. ausf

    Figures 1/35

    The new Tamiya sets are outstanding. I mean resin level (or better IMO). They've been using 3D scans for a few years, so if you check out on Scalemates the most recent tooling, you'll find them. I've tried painting figures over the years, whenever a new method came out, I'd buy the book...
  2. ausf

    Is this thing on?

    I've tried a few over the years and couldn't wrap my head around it, so I fully understand. Zbrush is truly just like working in clay. It's freaky at first, but actually easy when you just let go and do it. Absolutely maddening to learn the proper way because there is a lot going on, but once a...
  3. ausf

    Is this thing on?

    If I had a resin printer, yes. It's astounding, sculpt and then scale it however you want. My buddy has been after me to get a resin printer for a while, he does amazing stuff with it (Does the props for TV, lately HisDark Materials), like cowl flap actuators for a 1/48 F4U, so a 1/35 fig would...
  4. ausf

    Is this thing on?

    This is ZBrushCore. I have the ZBrush beginners book too, a lot translates to Core. I grabbed the free Core mini and after about 20 minutes realized this was the way to go, so I bought the ZBC license. I'm not into subscriptions since I tend to pickup and put things down for a while, so next...
  5. ausf

    Is this thing on?

    Thanks all!
  6. ausf

    Is this thing on?

    I think I'm finally back. I've been getting some bench time or at least cleaning and setting it up to work. It's been a long slog, between the pandemic, my oldest graduating and getting him settled, my youngest globetrotting with school (he's living like a Bond villain for the next 2 months...
  7. ausf

    I hope to be active again...

    I think we've got it done. Because of my back, I'm not making any trips to Home Depot or allowed to get on the roof so I was confined to material I had on hand and could set by leaning out of the window. They could get out, but getting back in was a challenge, not impossible but a challenge. I...
  8. ausf

    I hope to be active again...

    Been a long weird stretch. Thing One graduated, but without internships or even any work history, I had my doubts about him getting a move on. But he landed a great job in a great area (walking distance to work, great restaurants, a brewery, etc). Thing Two was working on a ship during the...
  9. ausf

    I'm still alive !

    I've been missing as well. It happens.
  10. ausf

    Anyone here into slot cars?

    The vintage kits, Aurora Demolition Demon and the Batmobile will go on vintage Aurora/K&B chassis. I bought a 1965 Aurora 1/32 set a few months ago and have the bug for much much more. I'm also building Aurora's Super Spy Car (Bond's Aston Martin) using K&B's 1/24 Challenger chassis. From...
  11. ausf


    I have the Molotow chrome refill, but only brushed it on. It's fantastic. I'll be airbrushing it soon, just haven't got around to it yet. It's alcohol based, I'm thinking iso as a thinner/ab cleaner. Only downside I can see is it's $30 for 30ml, so I want to make it count. It's supposed to be a...
  12. ausf

    Anyone here into slot cars?

    Beyond jealous of that setup. I remember most hobby shops had something similar, but by the time I got some money in my pocket, they were all gone. About 25 years ago we used to hangout in this dive bar near NYU (or meet and prime for the rest of the night). Next door they had a commercial...
  13. ausf

    Anyone here into slot cars?

    I just missed the boom as a kid. I was too young for the 1/24 racers and only had the Aurora HO set. By the time I got old enough, all the tracks in the area closed. I recently bought a vintage Aurora 1/32 set from 1965 to convert the Demolition Demon (my first model kit ever at 5 back in '70)...
  14. ausf

    MMM 2021

    This might be what I need to kick myself into gear. I have a few Flyhawk 1/72 Pzs that I'd like to get to.
  15. ausf

    Here's A Question

    I can't get past this phrase 'completed builds', please explain. Seriously, except certain stuff like the original Aurora kits or RC that'll I'll use, I eventually toss stuff. I just threw away the Eduard Hellcat and WNW Albatross last week, probably the majority of my completed work in the...
  16. ausf

    Well that sucked.

    I thought I was in double secret probation. After having to reset my computer to an older OS, I lost all my saved passwords and couldn't login here. Every few days I'd try to get the change password email resent but it never came, that was if I could get past proving I wasn't a bot. Finally...
  17. ausf

    I'm still around! :-)

    Woof. With Labs who don't think physics apply to them, I've had plenty of mishaps. They adhere strictly to the 'shortest distance is a straight line' and twice I've made the mistake of throwing a stick while one was behind me, only to find myself staring up at the sky, while my brain tried to...
  18. ausf

    What's happened to pricing ?

    I've bought a few kits that were north of $100 this past year, a pair of 1/32 ZM kits, the 1/24 Airfix Hellcat, 1/32 Tamiya Zero, the HK B-17. But at the same time, I grabbed the new Tamiya Marder I, a few of the new Tamiya figure kits and just a few days ago some Flyhawk armor that were very...
  19. ausf


    What happened to it? Just quit, leaking? Might be repairable, at least enough to keep you in business 'til after Chistmas. My Iwata Smart Jet (which works great) wouldn't turn on one day. I moved it to the bench to start giving it a once over and then it started. Not sure if it has an...
  20. ausf

    U boat books

    Blair's books aren't written as a chronicled diary, but a narrative with other advancements in technology on both sides as it unfolds. Adds personal histories, political and strategic command decisions, turning points, especially with countermeasures and includes RAF and USN accounts. Reads more...