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One Down One to Go

I originally wanted to do a quick scratch trailer for the boat but I got involved and I like the trailer so much I'm gonna put the boats on blocks and have the trailer a stand alone thingie .
I have floor - essent lights [ no way was I gonna try and spell that ] and they make all my browns reddish and if you look at the hull they also give the orange a yellowish hue . The rust spatter all over the trailer is actually brownish .
The plywood is balsa with printed manufacture logos pasted to the balsa then stained MinWax Golden Oak .
The double diamond plate for the fenders I got from a hobby store on line and was listed as 1/48th scale .
Looks more like 1/35th or even larger , oh well , suck it up Glenn .

That trailer is looking might fine Glenn!
3D-Great Job.gif
The roof and dormer gave me fits but it's done , now I just have to make the dormer for the other side and weather everything .
Oh and the roofing material will be a rolled tar roof , commonly seen around here with beach stone pressed into the roof tar .

A little bit of trivia , around here on the beach , rolled tar roofs are sprinkled with white/yellowish beach stones .
One of the reasons for this is over the course of time and the use of asphalt roads , seagulls have learned that if they pick up clams out of the surf and drop them on the roads [ or any black surface , black tar roofs , black vehicles included ] the clams will crack open on the hard surfaces .

Pup , craft stores have a gel medium .
Paint an acrylic color on your surface [ the base color you wat to show through the cracks ] wait till dry .
On wood or porous surfaces , must have a coat thick enough so the top layers won't soak into the wood etc .
Paint the gel medium on , [ healthy coat ] wait till dry .
Then [ airbrush preferred ] paint on the top coat that will crackle .
You can use a brush but the F.M . that makes the top coat crackle clumps and doesn't give as good results as an air brush .

Awesome, just don't take a chomp out of the dead dino to simulate an active Megalodon out there!

(let me know if the reverse psychology works)