(Formerly VLS Mastercon)

Hey Guys,
MMD/Squadron has a new CEO, Gwynne Gorr, and she has invited Susan and I to be the Guests of Honor at Eagle Quest 24, (The Name Squadron gave Mastercon after they bought VLS), in Grapevine, (Dallas area) Texas this June 19-20th.
We would love to meet as many of you guys as possible. I have shared my builds as you have with me for about 8 years now on Modeler’s Alliance.
I know some of you have already committed to attending, a couple of very special names being that of Bob and Cindy Britt.
There was a special magic about Mastercon that I never experienced at any other show, and Susan and i have attended shows all over the world! It had nothing to do with us personally, it was just one of those things that happen from time to time, something inexplainable, but definitely something everybody felt. It was more like a family reunion than a model competition. You could cut the atmosphere at those shows with a knife! Susan and I have discussed many times since 2006, how we would love to enjoy experiencing that camaraderie at least one more time!
There will be much more than just us attending. Some awesome modelers come to this show. I understand Squadron open their warehouse doors with fantastic discounts. I have thousands of photographs taken of Mastercons 1 through 16, taken by either Mort Schmitt or David Manter, our official Mastercon photographers. Our plan is to select some from each of the conventions and have them put in a one hour Power point presentation that Susan and I will host during the show. But there will be seminars, a great competition, you will be able to meet some of the icons of the American hobby industry.
EagleQuest XXIV: June 18 – 20, 2015 Embassy Suites, Grapevine, TX

Squadron’s “EagleQuest,” now in its 24th installment, is one of the largest peer-judged scale modeling competitions in America that is held outside of Dallas, TX each June. Some contests rely on several individuals to judge different categories. Some contests have everybody voting for a single most popular model out of all entries. Some contests have very technical evaluation standards, while others have more subjective guides. EagleQuest offers a voting process based on the popular vote of other entrants.
At EagleQuest, all the model entrants vote for their favorite models in each category, with the exception of the Tamiya manufacturer’s award –which is selected by a Tamiya representative. But other than that, each category, each special award, and again, the overall “Big Eagle” winner, is based on the popular vote of those entering models in the contest. Entrants are provided a ballot so they can vote for up to three of their favorite models in each category and a single model for the 5 special awards.
You can check out all the details here;
We hope to see as many of you guys there as can make it! We’re really looking forward to this one! We’d love seeing so many of you guys we know from the website, but have never had the pleasure of a face to face! See you there!
Bob and Susan Letterman