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CTA entry Phantom II Saburo Sakai's A6M2

Well, the wife said a month on the kitchen, I said probably by Christmas , so I was done about a week and a half early :rotf
Dave, have you ever done a renovation ? It is never what you think it's gonna be.

It wound up :

Kitchen , dinning room, eliminated breakfast nook and wife' office .

Moved internet to new office, assembled new desk and hooked up a printer from Dr. Spock 's show. All wireless now. :stinker I'm tired . Not even sure how many trailer loads I loaded up and hauled away . :bang head

The Zero will be a piece of cake if I stop making mistakes. :pilot Nearly forgot the hallway and it's many doors !

Remodeling is never about one item :sick:

Thanks Paul ( I hope so ) of course I can still only do so much magic in 1/72 .

Thanks Bob, glad to be back. This will be much easier than the last three months.
Well, only had a bit of time, so it'll be a small update tonight.

All the pieces are now ready to be assembled as a cockpit.

First the instrument panel. Not bad for just some resin and paint. I also mounted the guns on top.


Both sides of the fuselage are detailed . The throttle was added to the left side as well as some highlight of the plumbing.


To the right, the radio and more plumbing highlights.


And finally the floorboard. added the stick and made some stirups for the rudder pedals. Also a couple of levers right of the seat were fabricated.


After some sleep I will try to assemble the fuselage without breaking off anything :pilot

Thanks for looking. Comments welcome.

Cheers, Christian B)
Sleep is good..got some last night :rotf

Got some last night myself, but got awakened this morning bright and early by a cat that demands I make the rain go away :bang head

Cheers, Christian B)
You might want to break out that Airfix Ark kit pretty soon if it keeps raining this way! :laugh:
While the fuselage assembly is drying, I decided to remove these awful looking plastic guns and clean the trough so I can install some brass latter.


Cheers, Christian B)
Another good day for modeling :)

The fuselage is assembled as well as the wings. The wing roots required some sprue to close the gaps.


As well as the bottom seam.


Nothing drastic.

The tail is setting up and awaiting a light sanding.


Hopefully , it will get cleaned and primed tomorrow.

Thanks for looking. Comments welcome . Cheers, Christian B)