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Wreaking Havoc 3: A-20G-35-DO Barracuda

Too late to buy them but photographs of Barracuda showed up on evilBay:

A-20G Barracuda 1620036694404.png

A-20G Barracuda 1620036677045.png

Sometimes it is nice to see several sides of the same aircraft A-20G-20-DO 42-86768:
Barry's Baby (INS is not the Immigration Naturalization Service but the International News Service who visited the 90th BS):
!A-20G Barrys INS Baby P of the 90th BS 3rd BG 01.jpg
!A-20G Barrys INS Baby P of the 90th BS 3rd BG 02.jpg
Someone finally sent me a photo of Jack's Hack:

It may have been an unarmed hack, as referred to in the name, by seeing the same aicraft, prior to naming:

This doesn't match the book's profile:

Nor Zotz':
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If anyone want's to recreate Barry's Baby, here are photos of the bomb shackles. As you can see, it is the same as the 'long' ones as the pylon is simply extended:



Bomb Shackle 28_A20G_06_V.jpg
Bomb Shackle 9221467897_dfa2c891c9_b.jpg
Bomb Shackle 9224249408_bbcdefd919_b.jpg
Bomb Shackle A-20B_Lady_Jean_86th_BS_47th_BG_Algeria_41-3171.jpg
Bomb Shackle A-20G_43rd_Bomb_Group.jpg
Bomb Shackle P1680868.jpg
Bomb Shackle P1680870.jpg
Bomb Shackle P1680871.jpg
Bomb Shackle P1680872.jpg
Bomb Shackle P1680875.jpg
Bomb Shackle 43-9881-A-20G-Havoc-9AF-S-Sleepy-Time-Gal-23th-Aug-1944-FRE11286.jpg
Bomb Shackle 43-10160-A-20G-Havoc-9AF-422nd-Night-Fighter-Squadron-on-a-visit-to-Debden-FRE7470.jpg
What is all that stuff on the rack, looks like some sort of servo or something.
Is that a filler neck just before the suspension lug? And what is that trailing assembly on the bomb?
What is all that stuff on the rack, looks like some sort of servo or something.
Is that a filler neck just before the suspension lug? And what is that trailing assembly on the bomb?
The photo I used, from the USAF Museum, shows the bomb rack on their A-20G which is carrying an M10 Smoke Tank. Good eye!
Never heard of the thing.
"Bogies at 6 oclock!"
"Red Leader, Make Smoke!" :pilot
Guess it would be something more for ground support.
In early 1944 the RAF tested the M10 Smoke Tanks on Mustangs, Typhoons, and Tempests during exercises but they were never used operationally. For D-Day, Bostons from 88 and 342 (Free French) Sqn were fitted with chemical tanks and dispensing system in the bomb bay. Each aircraft could lay a curtain approximately 5000 ft long.

Operation Smoke Screen began in the early morning hours of 06 Jun creating a smoke curtain from Le Harve to the Cherbourg Pennisula. 88 Sqn was assigned "Gold", "Juno", and "Sword" landing areas and 342 Sqn "Utah" and "Omaha". From the memoir of an 88 Sqn navigator, they were briefed to take off at 0430 hrs, maintain 500 ft ASL until crossing the coast and then dropping to wave top level. As they entered the east end of the assault area they were to contact HMS Ramillies (he's still waiting for Ramillies' response), fly down the line of bombarding ships at deck level while they were engaging shore targets. As they reached the end of the line, north west of Bayeux, they turned toward the beach head, making their run from west to east. Completing the run, a port turn took them past Le Havre and home in time for tea and medals.

Another ETO Havoc getting marking inspiration from a PTO squadron, check out the skull and crossbones on the nose on this A-20G-30-DO, 43-9711, 5C-M of the 416th BG. Nice little flash at the cheek gun openings as well.

A-20G-30-DO, 43-9711, 5C-M 416th BG.jpg