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Wreaking Havoc 1: A-20B 41-3266(?) Outhouse Mouse with a Sharkmouth


Information Overload
Staff member
Sharkmouth schemed A-20B with nacelle guns... After the hut on the side, is that House or Mouse?

Armament to be similar to this one, 41-3267:
Almost certainly Outhouse Mouse.
Indeed it is! I have updated the title. Thanks!

The nose will be modified to strafer with four guns to comply with the layout of the MACR (Missing Aircraft Crew Report) I posted before...

Rear nacelles need their guns added:
Wait! What?! This looks suspiciously like plastic parts being assembled. :lol:
@Rhino, I take it you have missed my Sandbagger post here where I show I literally have DOZENS of fires going on?

This one lit my toes as Honk Kong (HK) Models have announced a Douglas A-20 B/C kit in 1/48th scale. I only found this shark mouth scheme and already have the AMT kit so I better get it over half done to kill the temptation of buying the new kit which, as @jeaton01 pointed out, will surely cost at least $100USD!

Looking at the MACR I posted, six 50 Cal fixed guns corresponds to the two usual cheek guns and four added to the nose. The flexible 50 Cal would be for the tunnel (lower hatch). Two fixed 30 Cal would correspond to the nacelles (see other MACR posted below), leaving the two flexible 30 Cal to be a twin mount at the upper rear.

Proof of nacelle mounted 30 Cal on the A-20B:

Paul Budzik has an A-20A build which is VERY inspirational here. He has a video on his approach to the twin 30 Cal here but I already started it my way. If I fail, I will try his...

The twin 30 Cal mount (pedestal is different):
Yikes... don't look closely at the nose of Outhouse Mouse, she may not have the four gun set up I showed (and am going with as I don't know her actual serial number) but something like this in case someone else wants to make an A-20B strafer:


A-20B 41-3356 Balls of Fire:

A-20B 41-3357 Dirty Gertie:

A-20B 41-3430 Marty I:

Or these RAAF examples:

@moon puppy, it seems the Jug hit its wing on something and ended up twirling towards the Havoc, lighting it up.

I'm glad no one mentioned that, in the photo of Outhouse Mouse, the side gun is taped over and there is a lovely (but expensive model to obtain) Cletrac tractor in the background... Unless one wants to go nuts fixing the tractor in the Revellogram Liberator kit!

I found three 48th scale Cletrac tractor kits available; all around $60USD...
Viking Models 3D print one-piece model on eBay
OTvinta from Russia so a no-go:

and Military Scales by IDAP Technologies 3D print kit:
that crash photo looks weird. Looks like the jug slammed into the Havoc but there's no damage to the Havoc?
I thought so as well. Only thing I can figure is that there doesn't seem to be and tail on the P-47. Looks like a crash landing that slid over and under the Havoc.
By the way, I am working on several Havocs at the same time so this post applies to all:
  1. A-20B Outhouse Mouse
  2. A-20G-1-DO Amorous Amazon
  3. A-20G-20-DO Jack's Hack or A-20G-35-DO Barracuda
  4. A-20G-35-DO Butch
  5. A-20H-5 Miss Behaven
Not seen here but performed; several control surfaces were removed to be replaced by the KMC resin replacements.

The wings got some attention. OK, it is the top of the landing gear bays to be exact. The mounting holes were moved forward one quarter inch. The rear was removed and structural details added to the inside of the upper wing as it would be visible.
Control surfaces being worked on since I have two sets of Kendall Model Company's (KMC's) replacements:

A-20G 48 Control Surfaces.JPG
A-20G 48 Horizontal Control Surfaces.JPG
A-20G 48 Vertical Control Surfaces.JPG
that crash photo looks weird. Looks like the jug slammed into the Havoc but there's no damage to the Havoc?
That is not a picture. See the undamaged Havoc's prop blade sticking into the side of the Thunderbolt? I believe that is a falsehood.
Tarp over Havoc canopy indicates it is on the tarmac... Propeller and severe wing damage on the Thunderbolt (but not all propeller blades) may indicate that it was impacted by something which then threw the fighter spinning counter-clockwise into the parked Havoc...
I wasn't there. Firefighting foam on the nosewheel and gear make this seem palpable. Color me cynical.
Some of the references being used, more not shown yet (like some Czech magazines):

Name of my series...
Wreaking Havoc.JPG

Who doesn't love Don Greer's paintings?
Squadron 56 A-20 in Action.JPG
Squadron 144 A-20 in Action.JPG

Wings and Airpower, newsstand favorites, with TBiU (aka Polish Profiles):
Magazines and TBiU.JPG

Excellent book... Not as complete as the other one I posted.
Crowood A-20.JPG

AJ Press with their well done scale plans:
AJPress A-20.JPG
Working on getting some interior details corrected. Upper fuselage is from the A-20B after sanding the inside so pencil lines show while I sprayed the inside of the A-20H-5 for the same reason. Since it is less visible, I will use the kit interior parts (as show in the A-20B fuselage) in the turreted versions but this still means scratching three...
A-20B and A-20H Fulselage.JPG

Also, some more of the paper references used:
Squadron 10238-20 Havoc in Action.JPG
A-20 PKR Magazines.JPG