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Wings of the Red Star (2)- Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik

hello dear friends

You are way too Kind, much more than I deserve...Many thanks

A good friend has pointed out, that my "seams" are not as sanded as they should be. I forgot to mention, that the dust from sanding also makes my lungs go haywire. I will try this "wet sanding" technique and see if I can improve on that as well.

The final assembly is done and almost everything fit. There was a bit of Problem in the Cockpit but eventually all came together. Next priming and painting.

I am going to start the second one soon, in this one I am really going nuts - I got beside the Eduard PE a resin engine set. Let's see what happens!

Here the pics. Thanks for looking






Hello all,

I had a really, really bad week and not a lot of Motivation for modelling. :( :(

Still, I manage to get a few pics of the painting and decals. Now on to weathering and then I will start the second one, this time with the resin engine set.

Cheers everyone.






A lot of good detail Alex (y)

Love those Russian bombs and rockets . They always give me the impression that they were hammered out in the back yard.

Too bad descent weapons are not more readily available to the modeler :(

Here's hopping for a better week :zen

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks guys much appreciated.

I really hope things get better. In 23 years of profession I had never lost a patient on the surgical table until this week. Cannot go into details (confidentiality) but this child was going to die within a few hours, there was a 1% chance I could do something and I took it. Unfortunately I couldn't. This night keeps going over and over in my head... It was (is) horrible. Hopefully with some more time I will get back to normal but I doubt I will ever forget.

Sorry to pour my heart out but this club is sort of a "safe haven" among friends for me.

Next time i will be more cheerful.

Good night everyone

Thanks guys much appreciated.

I really hope things get better. In 23 years of profession I had never lost a patient on the surgical table until this week. Cannot go into details (confidentiality) but this child was going to die within a few hours, there was a 1% chance I could do something and I took it. Unfortunately I couldn't. This night keeps going over and over in my head... It was (is) horrible. Hopefully with some more time I will get back to normal but I doubt I will ever forget.

Sorry to pour my heart out but this club is sort of a "safe haven" among friends for me.

Next time i will be more cheerful.

Good night everyone


And we think we have bad weeks. Alex keeping you in our prayers. :zen
I am so sorry to hear of that Alex. All I can say is that going in you knew there was minimal chance, but without there was absolutely none.
Better to have tried and failed than to have not tried and done "what if I had tried" forever.

Your heart and your skills were in the right place, but it was not meant to be. :(
Very sorry to hear this Alex. I'm glad you talked to us about it though. Please dont start second guessing yourself as it will not help.I'm wishing you all the best and sending :zen your way. Thoughts and prayers. :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen :zen
Thank you so much dear friends. Your words really helped.
I am on call the whole weekend and there was no better therapy than getting back into the fray. Ironically, all the procedures I performed went much better than normal - I was strangely more calm and careful than usual.
In any case, I have now even more of a reason to participate in the CTA 3.
Next post will be again of models and planes, I will finish the first Sturmovik later this week.
Once again, many many thanks to all
Well, I've been out for a few days so I missed this. I too shall continue praying for you and I do hope things get better for you. I commend you for stepping up and trying even though the odds were stacked very high. At least you did that and because of it, you have refined your technique and abilities and many others will benefit from your experience.

Your model looks excellent despite your down time. I am looking forward to seeing your next projects.
Hey there

Thanks so much for the Support guys. It means the world to me.

So, let's get the ball rolling on Sturmovik number 2. I haven't yet completely finished number 1 but I am waiting for some pieces of the Diorama to be ready.

This is also an Academy Kit 1//72 of the Il-2M3 Sturmovik double seater. I am going crazy on this one and adding a resin Engine and Access ports; the whole PE set from Eduard for the interior and the Eduard flaps. This may take a while to get ready, but surely it will be cool...




The Version I am making is this one here:


This plane was flown in the 8th. Guards Regiment (8. Gv.ShAP) in the Black Sea Fleet AF. Interestingly, it was rebuilt from 2 different aircraft so there are 2 Camouflage schemes on it. The inscriptions read "Za Chest Gvardi" (for the honour of the guard) and "za Rodynu" (for the motherland).

BTW, this book from Warpaint series is excellent!

I hope I can manage this one.

Thanks for looking

Always glad to see enthusiasm :rotf

For some reason, I thought this one would be the Tamiya kit . After looking at both of them, I just realised that the wings on this one are different from the Tamiya kit. The latter has the arrow shape wings.
Definitely a lot of variations have been produced...You could easily make yourself crazy with this airplane :frantic

Looking forward to it. Cheers, Christian B)