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What to do What to do ?????????


Master at Arms
Ok, I am at the stage of the SdKfz 7/1 build where I am nearly finished with the actual vehicle and about 25% done with the figures

Heres my query,....

I want to enter it into the upcoming Chicago show and if I leave it without figures I can enter into the Ordnance section the vehicle would be judged solely on the vehicle and not the groundwork

If I add the figures then I would have to enter it into the Vignette section would be judged on all 3 .

What do you, my esteemed modeling colleagues, think I should be aiming for ?
Do you have time to finish the figures to your satisfaction and make the show? That alone should answer you.

Yes I do have time to finish them the show is not until October 14th as Im already going to enter 3 figures into the figure sections,.. am in 2 minds whether to add figures to this too then do I want the vehicle judged on its own merit ?

Confused from Chicago
Well your groundwork looks very good and it is the figures that were the 'deal breaker'... go for the vignette!


figures are your strongpoint!

your ht alone would have to compete with other entries of specialized peoples who would lose in a figure contest!

a well done vehicle together with sublime figures and a well done groundwork has more chances to win!
figures are your strongpoint!

your ht alone would have to compete with other entries of specialized peoples who would lose in a figure contest!

a well done vehicle together with sublime figures and a well done groundwork has more chances to win!

Sure, bring in logic and reason into this conversation!


:mpup :mpup Thank you all for your great replies !

You have cheered me up today !

James yes,.I will actually PM you mate

Laura the unique thing about the Chicago show is the rules of the competition and that is that you are actually up against yourself and not competing against other modellers all medals certificates blah blah are on pure individual merit :)
...the unique thing about the Chicago show is the rules of the competition and that is that you are actually up against yourself...

That's why I said what I said, you are being given a score which in the end gives you a 'place' so ten people, in the same category can all place identically, regardless of the 'competition'.

Just like AMPS.

This year vehicles. Next year vignettes. :pp

Might as well milk it for all it's worth mate. :laugh:
I thought Chicago rules were never bring a knife to a gunfight?? Sorry...too much Untouchables!! I say vignette Andy...I don't know you all that well mate...but I have seen your figures ;)

Why milk it? Finish the vignette w/ figures and build something else for next years show.

Unless you're like me and build so damn slow that you have to milk it for all it's worth. :laugh:

Personally I think a vehicle like that without figures looks kinda lonely...
