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Weathering 101?

Rudi Richardson wrote:
Ken's video is really great! My wife wants to know where you found the Vin Diesel looking guy.

Also look for "ScaleModelMedic"'s videos on YouTube - you may even find a link from Ken's channel.

Rudi, thanks. Tell the missus he's the guy that does my yard work and sometimes lives in my doghouse.


and yes Jon Hayward, the scalemodelmedic is a member here and you can find his videos on youtube via search or my channel, he has a slightly different take on using pigments and gets really great results.

tomwes wrote:
That was a great video Ken, learned alot in 10 minutes...wow!


No worries Tom, I enjoy sharing how I do things. If it helps someone with their own methods that's even better.

moon puppy wrote:
That's COOL Ken, I was going to say I don't know why I missed this, I do, life has been nuts lately.

Most enjoyable 10 minutes I've had in a couple of days.

Question though, and Since this is Weathering 101 I think we're on topic.

Would it be a true statement to say that we can get pretty much the same effect with a Dot filter as we do with this pigment treatment? (exempting the blown mud technique at the end, I REALLY liked that! )

Thanks Moon,

while you may be able to get similar tones/colors, I don't see how you would get the same three dimensional, caked on build up that the pigments offer. The more pigments you add the thicker the pigments become, building up on the previous layer, oils on the other hand would remain flat on the surface, wouldn't they?

Iron Mike wrote:
Awesome, Ken! Thanks for sharing! :ro:

My pleasure.

Ken Abrams wrote:
Thanks Moon,

while you may be able to get similar tones/colors, I don't see how you would get the same three dimensional, caked on build up that the pigments offer. The more pigments you add the thicker the pigments become, building up on the previous layer, oils on the other hand would remain flat on the surface, wouldn't they?

It depends on how nasty you want to get with the oils but I see your point, you're right. You may not be able to get the "Bulk" up with oils as you can with pigments. I think that's where I messed up using pigments, I tried to treat them like oils and blend them and work them in.
moon puppy wrote:
It depends on how nasty you want to get with the oils

Fair enough, you're quite correct.You could thickly stipple on oil paints to build up texture but I wonder how long it would take to dry?

In this case, the alcohol evaporates within minutes, or even less with a fan and you can either move on, or add more.

moon puppy wrote:
I think that's where I messed up using pigments, I tried to treat them like oils and blend them and work them in.

I don't think you messed up, you are just talking about two different techniques for two different outcomes.

I have been working on a second part to this video doing pretty much what you just described. While the video in this thread is how I make three dimensional, caked on dirt and mud, the second video will be using oils similar to a filter/wash etc. blending and feathering them in, layering different colors to create different effects.
Black-Sheep1 wrote:
OK, a silly question but one I need to ask....er....
What is a filter?


Much like a filter for a camera lens, it's just a translucent layer of color to adjust the hue of the subject.

In photography you have different colored filters that can be placed over the end of the lens, effecting the final outcome of the picture. In modeling you can apply different translucent colors to the base color of the vehicle creating different shades and tones across the surface.

While not as stark as a camera filter, this effect just adds some random color shifts to the models base color to add variety and interest. There are others far better at describing the technique than myself but that should give you an idea?
Well the camera lens analogy is spot on ....... a filter is simply a real thin wash that tones the color of the base coat .
No questions are ever silly ..... keep asking this hobby is about sharing so we all become better .

I just got Mig's F.A.Q.: Frequently Asked Questions on AFV Painting Techniques
from Amazon.
I've been looking and searching everywhere.
Well, last night I saw it pop up there for like $55.00.
Then today there were 3 more over $200.00 ea.
I just ordered the cheap one ($55.00).
Now I can read at my leisure!
Followup on the book.
Not good.
It seems these people that sell through Amazon got greedy and sent me an email today cancelling my order and uging me to re submit the order.
The thing is, they now sell the book for $400.00!
Beware of International Books.
Black-Sheep1 wrote:
Followup on the book.
Not good.
It seems these people that sell through Amazon got greedy and sent me an email today cancelling my order and uging me to re submit the order.
The thing is, they now sell the book for $400.00!
Beware of International Books.

WT ... shyster !( who is the Seller, so I can steer clear of Him ?) I've seen that Book Black Sheep, & It is NOT worth $200 or even that insane $400. There is More than enough Info here with in th Hallowed Walls of TnT !! & all that Info is Freely Given !! (y) . We'll help you out & you won't have to Mortgage your House to get th Info !! :D

panzerace007 wrote:
There is More than enough Info here with in th Hallowed Walls of TnT !! & all that Info is Freely Given !! (y) . We'll help you out & you won't have to Mortgage your House to get th Info !! :D


Course if you wanna donate I got a paypal.... :woohoo:

Seriously, I don't think you need a book to get started, I think you need a junker kit to start playing with all these techniques folks are sharing. Look at the SBS John just posted on the main page about mud and snow. That's priceless information that's there for you to take. And that's just one example on this ONE website of all the web sites doing this stuff.

And word of caution. Please don't drop any names of who ever it was on that book deal. That's between you and them, if you want to PM Erik with that info that's one thing, but it's always buyer beware on purchasing anything off the internet.
Thanks for the support Erik, but lets just say it's a third party and not Amazon. I did email Amazon demanding an explanation why my order was canceled (as if I didn't know).

We'll see what happens in the next few days.
moon puppy wrote:
panzerace007 wrote:
There is More than enough Info here with in th Hallowed Walls of TnT !! & all that Info is Freely Given !! (y) . We'll help you out & you won't have to Mortgage your House to get th Info !! :D


Course if you wanna donate I got a paypal.... :woohoo:

Seriously, I don't think you need a book to get started, I think you need a junker kit to start playing with all these techniques folks are sharing. Look at the SBS John just posted on the main page about mud and snow. That's priceless information that's there for you to take. And that's just one example on this ONE website of all the web sites doing this stuff.

And word of caution. Please don't drop any names of who ever it was on that book deal. That's between you and them, if you want to PM Erik with that info that's one thing, but it's always buyer beware on purchasing anything off the internet.

Hey MP, no worries, I'm not naming anyone.

And yes, you're right, I don't need a book, but it's nice to have one just as a reference (and to read at work during down time).

As soon as I finish the M48 for the Charlie don't surf GB I will be doing some experimenting with it.
Not at all Erik, I had a similar problem with Amazon recently. Tried to by that wide screen tv through them, cheap price with no shipping but the transaction never went through. Like they dangle it out there then jerk it way.
moon puppy wrote:
Not at all Erik, I had a similar problem with Amazon recently. Tried to by that wide screen tv through them, cheap price with no shipping but the transaction never went through. Like they dangle it out there then jerk it way.

Did they send you an email addressing you like a 6 year old?
And then they use an address on their reply that does not accept incoming mail.
You should've seen the reply I sent them.

BOYCOT Amazon.com! :angry: :angry: :angry:
Actually I didn't get anything from them. Only that the transaction failed with no reason. Bank said they were not attempting to charge my account so I don't know what they were up to. I ended up getting a better deal at a brick and mortar big box store and I didn't have to wait 7-10 business days for it to be delivered.

Boycotts don't work, I live in South Carolina, ask me how I know. :mpup
Can I chime in?

Painting and weathering are not distinct steps in my mind. When I paint a model, maybe the base color is what you mean by painting, but anything else to me is weathering. With my first post shade I am aging the paint, fading it, so to me it is all one process to get to the end result, not a series of distinct steps. I think you have to have an end result in your mind, then make that happen on the model, not just do stuff and see where you end up? Does this make sense?