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Verlinden VP 2324 (Panzer IV interior for Dragon


Active member
Been gone for awhile but nice to be back! I'm working on something and although I have the set, the instuctions are too dark to read- so can any of you fine fellas help?

It's Verlinden VP 2324, the set for the Dragon Panzer IV, Verlinden has been NO help, and even Google that has one pic of the assmembly 'steps' is useless because the pic is to small to expand clearly.

Thanks CR
Not what you search but it can be a help maybe :)
Hi Chip,

You can visit this page;https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=1QDgWYouo9gdrM&tbnid=kbB1Q70PYBI47M:&ved=0CAEQjxw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bnamodelworld.com%2Farmour%2Farmour-aftermarket-sets%2Ffor-armour-1-35%2Fmisc-detail-up-sets%2F1-35-panzer-iv-interior-detail-set-for-dragon-kit&ei=yXEeUYejMKuL4gSF4ICwAQ&bvm=bv.42553238,d.bGE&psig=AFQjCNHQfg-tSBeJEOXiw214MKIcM9gQkg&ust=1361035834857365 and click on the picture to get it a bit larger.
Know it's not much,I know,but maybe it can help you a bit.Got no instruction sheet for you.
Yeah instructions for resin kits can be a real pain in the you-know-what. :(

Maybe pictures from the vehicle's inside might help as well;http://panzerivuniverse.phelpscomputerservices.com/PhotoNativeInt.htm

Thanks guys, I have seen those two pages- man I have seen alot of stuff scouring for info on that set! I think I have it mostly figured but time will tell. I will post it here when done, but mind you things are SLOW>
Hi try this link, just register and you can look at them :) hope it helps


greetings Mats