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Trumpeter 1:200 Arizona

Here finally is a new update. Getting back into the swing of things again. I thought this was going to be the first in several updates over the next couple of days, but found some big FUBARs from the Eduard PE set on the cranes. I will probably give a go at fixing it, though it could end up being toast.

More on that later (much later after I FIX the crane I have together! :bang head ) Here is this installment.












With that I am going to go back and take another good look and photos and the stupid frame holes in the Eduard crane set. I appears that they just totally screwed up on quite a number of things with that set. On the other hand there were parts that did help things out. PE is supposed to ADD DETAIL and FIX SCREW UPS by the kit mfg, not MAKE WORSE SCREW UPS. In this case their fix for the top brace is a busted egg. The Trumpy kit had it more correct than Eduard. (though still not fully correct)

More on that later after I clean the red spots off the wall :bang head
Just the thing for an acrophobiac! Do you have more photos or have you determined all this marvelous detail from the one shown? You are a marvel, Paul- cheers!
Thanks guys!

Chuck, I have several photos that somewhat helped, though this is one of the best. It is a clip from a larger very high resolution photo that I found online. Some of the photos I found online are scanned from printed matter and have that dot problem that printed stuff has. Those photos tend to help clarify bits found in the few high res photos I found, but are usually not all that helpful. The other thing with photos of the Arizona is that there were constant changes to the ship. The biggest changes I have found were during the 1929-1930 refit. After that there were still a lot of small incrimental changes. Some of the biggest help on the cranes are the photos from after Dec 7, but only to determine details about railings and items like that.

I will be covering a lot more in the next few days as to what I have done, and some more errata that has bit me from Eduard. Eduard isn't the only one to mess this up. Last night I did some looking into the other PE set that was available and the KA Models set has a somewhat better set of cranes, but the error with the top brace is just as messed up as the Eduard set. Trumpeter actually had it somewhat correct for a change.

Never fear more reference pics will be here. :D
I have some more photos and info for all the ship shape folks out there. This batch has had some :bang head going on, but read on and I will explain.













Goes to show you can't "assume" that the manufacturers know what they are doing. So far my impression of Trumpeter its is that while they are impressive, detailed and will assemble fairly well, their research team need to be fired. A lot of what I am having to fix on this kit is due to sloppy, sloppy, sloppy research and just not taking the time to "GET IT RIGHT"! I can understand limitations due to how molds work and such or even missing a detail. In the last 2 Trumpeter kits (Ju87A and this kit) the accuracy is only about 60% as compared to Revell's Ju88 kit which actually is about 87-90% In comparing to photos that are available, it "LOOKS" like it should. A lot of the Arizona looks good at 10 feet, but if you look close and know what you are looking at it is pretty poor. (Though the Banner 1/350 isn't any better)

Well that is all for now my friends. . Enjoy!
Thanks guys! It sometimes takes me some long study time to figure out what I am looking at. I have been looking at photos of the Pennsylvania as well though there are a LOT of differences. Figuring out what is the same helps with the Arizona a fair amount on things.

Hey Bob! There are the 2 cranes (port and stbd) and the port one is the big experiment. I am seriously considering scratchbuilding the caster on the top as the kit one is carpola. If I do that it will be a one off with a rubber mold to make at least two. ;)

The upper truss is going to need a trip to my local hobby shop to look at the Evergreen styrene stock. Once I figure the materials and make a little jig to assemble them the cranes should be mostly a done deal.

:bang head

Right now my problem is that I have some low level depression going on and it is hard to get the stuff I need to be doing done. The biggest part of that is the "getting started" part. Once started it goes along ok.

Low mojo folks, low mojo.
Thanks Chris, Luiz and Chuck! The depression just makes it hard to set down and start something. Kind of kills the fire to do constructive stuff. I end up doing something else, usually read a book or play on the computer. Have had this level of depression for years so nothing really new, just makes it a drag to get busy at times.

You guys keep inspiring me to keep at it and upping the ante' so never fear, I just have to keep in mind that Trumpeter is not the best with accuracy.
Hope you get your mojo back soon. It stinks having this kind of hobby, but not being in the mood to build.
Keep looking up!

Paul that is a stunningly amazing amount of detail and improvements you've done to this model; especially given your fight with depression. I too have been battling depression, only mines been a deep and vicious thing that has rendered me immobile a couple times. Several events I went to that I was looking forward to could not be enjoyed as this depression made me feel dead inside. My modeling has also helped keep me going; sometimes I get mad enough at myself and my depression that I marathon work on the bench; forcing myself to stay at it until I exhaust myself.

I hope your battle ends soon and you can really shoot for success here. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Thanks Mark! Lucky for me it isn't as bad as what it sounds like you deal with. What I deal with is more of an apathy and I tend to just quit building and do some reading or play on my computer. If I just go ahead and start building, I end up having a good build session. It's just the getting started issue with me, and sometimes it is really hard to try and start.

The mojo has been low lately, but I keep trying to plug away at it. Tonight I really need to try and mow the yard (I hate yardwork) once that is done some of my mojo will come back.
Hey Paul,

Are you sure you were not involved through some Kind of warmhole in the construction of the original Arizona? Or perhaps an ancestor of yours?

Hell, I can only watch in awe at your build.

As for your Depression, Paul, this is a serious medical issue, and should not be taken lightly. Have you seen anyone? There are so many Options for medication nowadays. Please take care of yourself.

