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Ahem, most of you have run into me... a bona-fide, card carrying, rivet and bolt counter (requires two certificates) but it is all in the approach. You see, I got sick around the time that the trimester zoned in on being a rectal orifice but I had enough credits to pass so I didn't take the class.

If you don't believe me about being a rivet or bolt counter, make the mistake of asking me for references and not be ready for a deluge!

Seriously, the way I see it is that I (as in me, myself and I - the Trinity of One) enjoy trying to add the detail. I think no less of anyone who builds out of the box. My main question is, are they enjoying themselves?

You and a few other acuracy nuts dont count. I love seeing these uber acurate builds - The fact is you are helpfull you dont try to force an opinion on any of us. Lots of acuracy nuts are like that They take a model as they get it and then they make it right. They dont bemoan the inacuracy everywhere and then never do anything

I swear some of them will only one day build a model when a perfectly scaled down 100% acurate (By theyr measurement) model comes out They will get such a fright of course they will immidiately trash such a model less they have to actualy build it. :evil:
Interesting topic.

When I first saw the title, I was thinking yeah there is more than couple that I have failed on building. By that I made mistakes in assembly or just did not understand how the manufacturer wanted it to go together. Then I read (by the way I'm a horrible reader) what was typed out, now hoping I make since with my response.

The way I see it is, really trash talking a kit is an excuse for poor skills. Yes I understand the amount of money that is being asked by the manufacturers you should get a good product. I do believe some trash talking has helped in that we are getting better kits. On the other hand I really don't care what most self claimed experts say about a kit. If it is something I want to build I'm going to buy it, then try and do my best in building it. Whether that be out of the box or detailing and making corrections. It is my choice to make. I've read glowing reviews of kits I wanted to build, bought one, got home and I did not like how it was engineered. YEAH I could not get it to go together. I consider that my fault not theirs. I saw all the trash about the M103 still wanted one, then saw Terry's sweet build and now want the kit even more. I mean these things don't come built right?

So what does this all mean? Duck is a duck :tomato
To me, the "Unbuildable Kit" is the one I haven't started yet. Includes the "too big" and "too expensive" categories.

When I build a kit, even if it is for the OOB category, I do my research just because I want to learn more about it. When I add details, I try to match the original as much as I possibly can without making it the focal point of the build. I want to make it realistic, but I am not killing myself just because the side plate has 10 rivets instead of 12.

I went to a competition and put something on the table - OOB - No changes allowed whatsoever. The feedback ? - "The tracks don't sag enough" .... ummm ....Talk to Tamiya about making the tracks two links too short :Hiay

These accuracy fanatics are making a big mistake in thinking that every real tank / airplane etc was IDENTICAL to the one that had just rolled out the assembly line immediately prior.

On top of that, slaughtering someone because they want to build a kit that is not perfectly accurate is a show of stupidity and "I am better than you no matter what" attitude.

What I really like about MA is here you can find all the advice one could ever need, there is a great bunch of people always ready to help out and that is what matters most. Not to mention all the fantastic models of course. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Personally, I don't think I've ever seen anyone ever refer to a kit as "unbuildable". What I have seen is some folks say a kit "is not worth building" - which is a very different thing.

Now in spite of the fact that many folks now can discuss modeling on web forums or at club meetings, etc. when it comes down to it - model building is a solitary hobby, in that you typically don't assemble a team to build a kit.

Just like many other solitary hobbies, each person involved in that activity does it because they enjoy it in their own particular way. Some people like the building part, some like the painting, some like the finished product, while others like having a collection of boxes.

And some like to just build what comes in the box, some like to add a few details and others like to super-detail their models. And finally, there are some who like to analyze kits for accuracy.

And of course all variations of the above.

Now, any issues/arguments/etc. I've ever seen on modelling forums or club meetings, etc. come when a person who enjoys the hobby one way tries to force others to do the same. Often in those type of threads/discussions I see one side (either the "looks like a duck" or "its a misshapen POS" crowd) jumping into a thread/discussion where the other side is having a civil discussion and trying to force their view on it.

So if both sides would simply not try to force their views on the other (e.g. resist making snide comments in threads that don't match their personal view of the hobby) I think most modelling forums/clubs would be a much happier place :)

Well said, indeed.

Of course, if you DON'T see it MY way you are a rotten stinking putrid pinko commie bed wetter. (y)
A little late to this thread,but an excellent viewpoint Mr "T".also many well thought responses,all kind of modelers should be able to co-exist without looking down their noses at one another.And there are a handful of forums where posting and commenting are civil,this one chief among them.
I just read this somewhere else and I thought of this thread so I thought I would share it here:

"It's up to you how much money you want to spend and how many new words you want to create "correcting" something!"

I like it so much it's my new tagline! :Hiay
As a relative newcomer to building models I have asked many a basic question on this site and have received more than enough help which is appreciated hugely, I have also offered up some of my builds and have had encouraging comments on them.
I think it was said in an earlier post that you build what you like and like what you build.
It should be added that if you have nothing good to say don't say it.
I just read this somewhere else and I thought of this thread so I thought I would share it here:

"It's up to you how much money you want to spend and how many new words you want to create "correcting" something!"

I like it so much it's my new tagline! :Hiay

:rotf :rotf Good for you!
As a relative newcomer to building models I have asked many a basic question on this site and have received more than enough help which is appreciated hugely, I have also offered up some of my builds and have had encouraging comments on them.
I think it was said in an earlier post that you build what you like and like what you build.
It should be added that if you have nothing good to say don't say it.

"The 'Unbuildable' Kit", interesting.

First let me just get this out of the way, if you have a kit that you feel is unbuildable, send it my way and I will show you it can be built. I love the challenge.

I know, not what you meant, just had to say it.

I have been around the net forums since 2001. I have been in a fair share of spats involving me saying "I want to build this kit this way", and one or more saying "What kind of drugs are you one and can I have some", or something to that effect. I have taken shots about kits, techniques, paints, foils, etc. I think we all have at some point. I build for me. As of late I love the idea of adding the detail and I have braved the seemingly unending vault of resources that the man with the teeth talks about. I build what I want and how I want. I remember a P-38 in tinfoil that I was grilled over for not using Alclads or some other paint to do. I lovingly call it the "Baked Potatoe". It was FUN. That is all that mattered.

There is no such thing as an unbuildable kit. There are only those kits that are not very builder friendly.

The "Unbuildable" Kit:

When I think of the “unbuildable model” I visualize parts that won’t fit together, but it seems that some have a larger view point of what makes an “unbuildable model”. /.../ There is no model that’s really “unbuildable”.

Terry B)

Zwezda 1/72 IL-4, ARK each 1/48 Hurricane !!! there is no two parts witch fit together good...
I've been to many forums over the years and have experienced the uptight, rivet counting, pat you on the head nice try junior several times. This forum is one of the best for positive, "can I help you" attitudes out there. I have enough drama in my life, why do I want it in my hobby too. Hobbies are something to help you relax and get away from the daily grind. I've also learned over the years that it is some people's hobby to be an ass. I don't socialize or worry about those people anymore. I take the same approach on social media. If all you do is gripe, moan or run people down, don't look for me to hang on your every word.
.....I have enough drama in my life, why do I want it in my hobby too. Hobbies are something to help you relax and get away from the daily grind.

I've also learned over the years that it is some people's hobby to be an ass. ...
:rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf Thanks I needed that laugh

When I was younger I really enjoyed building a model of something that i'd read about in a history book or one of those fantastic Ballantine or Bantam war pocket books - especially the ones co-authored with Martin Caidin.

Then I started reading magazines, before the internet which was worse, and I lost interest for a very long time because a lot of kits and companies were so trashed.

Another thing a lot of people don't seem to realize is that a lot of other people do not have a whole lot of money to spend on model building and/or related supplies. Where I am a 1/35 modern scale kit is upwards of $70.00+ before paints are bought for it.

Yet another thing is that some people do NOT like or want a lot of PE in a kit. There's one company that I seldom buy from because there's a lot of PE in their kits and I find PE very frustrating and aggravating to work with. For many years my motto has been, "I build for FUN!" I want a relaxing but fun build like I've had with my (iirc Trumpeter) M1A1 even though it has its faults and is a reboxed old Tamiya kit. At just over $20.00 Canadian it was a very good deal. Ditto for a lot of the older Tamiya kits such as the Chieftain MkV kit which is only $30.00 in the local hobby/toy store. My Academy Magach 6B GAL Batash kit I bought today was $45.00 Canadian at the same shop.

I started to enter contests but quickly found out that they were being run by eliteists who thought they knew everything. that turned me off contests for good but at least the vendors make going worthwhile.

I once did have a truly unbuildable kit from Tamiya. It was ttheir original Universal Carrier kit and the moulds haddened warmed up enough for all the voids to be filled with the result tthat i got a kit that had many partially formed parts. phonecalls eventually got me tthe needed parts but those phone calls ended up costing more than the kit did. That was before the internet was widely available.

Cheers from Peter