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The "General"

moon puppy

Staff member
It all started back in 1855 at the Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works in Paterson NJ, a 4-4-0 Steam Engine built for the Western and Atlanta Railroad that was named "General". It was later the object of one of the most amazing stories of bravery that came of the great unpleasantness that is now called "The Civil War" or "The War of Secession".

The episode I'm referring to is of course the "Great Locomotive Chase". James J. Andrews and his raiders stole General at a stop called Big Shanty (now Kennesaw) GA. with the intent of destroying the rail line between Atlanta GA and Chattanooga TN. Andrews Raiders may have had greater success if it were not for actions of the Conductor, William Allen Fuller. Fuller immediately gave chase, on foot, and there rest is history.

If you'd like to read more about it check these links out.



The reason for this thread?

I've been tempted once again...


:bang head

I think I'm going to look into what it will take to make General look as it did during the raid. It was converted to an oil burner, I believe I've read that the stack for a wood burner does not have the funnel shape but that research will be coming.

The great thing about it is "General" is on display in Kennesaw GA and it's a nice day trip to head over there and check it out. Mike, Chris and I have been there and Mike has a lot of photos loaded up that will come in handy.

Hop on board, we'll not be leaving anytime soon, want to clear some projects up first but I thought it would be fun to start the conversation now.
See, that show wasn't a total waste. Hehehe. :coolio

I think you'll really enjoy this build, it combines research and model building. :drinks
Glad we were able to point out this locomotive to Bob and wrangle him into the purchase.

This machine has a very unique and interesting history . After being drug to see the real one, this appears to be quite appropriate. :rotf

Anyhow, if you're in the area take the time to see it . Very interesting . Lots of polished brass :coolio

Let's make sure he builds it :drinks Cheers, Christian B)
I love this! I never knew the history behind the General, but I've always wanted to build that big kit that MPC first brought out. I'm going to be watching this one closely. Maybe someday if I ever can score one, I'll build one too.
WOO_WOOO!! Party Train, Leavin' the Station!!
I'm for it!!
So it didn't ALL really start back in 1860 then? :facepalm
I'm sooo confused.
Looking forward to your build of this Bob ... Maybe you'll locate your Grandma's silverware in your research ... :popcorn :train
Does it go past Petticoat Junction? I've got my eye on a certain brunette in a water tower.

I eye balled this thing the other day. I gotta do the research on this one, need photos of the General from back in the day.
OK all you have to do is ask the "Trainman" ... The stack on your model is a wood burner stack ... If you look at the photo of the General it has a straight pipe, no balloon on top ... That's a oil burner stack ... :woohoo:
During the raid it was a wood burner, it was converted later in it's life.

OOOOhhhhhhh I stand corrected ... I will pursue the article a bit closer ... the stack would be correct then ... I'll do some research also I probably have the builders information on one of my CD's
The photos I took at the museum start on page 2 here, of course that's a rebuilt restoration.


Thanks for the expert photography ... nice loco ... I like the Confederate grey fenders and the Hogs head shot ... :woohoo: :train