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The Duke's Newest Magnum Opus

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
This is also my 638th completed 1/72 scale armor model.

After one year and five months, I have finally completed my German 80 cm K (E) Schwere Kanone Dora railroad gun.

I spent 99% of my time building her at St. Crispin's Hobby Day, where I spent many hours assembling, patching, sealing and sanding. I used Mr. Surfacer 500 exclusively on all seams for this model. At home, I spent three days painting her with Model Master enamels through my Iwata airbrush. I started out with a black basecoat over all. That took seven paint bottles of flat black. Next came five bottles of Panzer Schwartzgrau over all, followed by Gunship Grey over the larger areas to modularize the color. This was followed by further modulation using Neutral Grey. I then dry-brushed all the raised details and edges with Neutral Grey. Next I masked off the barrel and shot Tamiya Bare Metal Silver from the rattlecan on the bare metal parts of the barrel. I sprayed three coats on it. When it was dry, I took a very fine sandpaper sheet, wrapped it around the silver part of the barrel and turned it about four or five times. This gave the very convincing effect of turned metal on the barrel; at least in my opinion. It was certainly what I was trying for. Afterwards, I applied a gloss coat over the areas where the decals went and spent the next two days applying decals. Once they were dry, I hit them with a decal solvent and then dullcoatd them. She was now ready for final assembly.

This past Friday and Saturday I took her back to Hobby Day and proceeded to paint the details. I did the wood parts with a weakened wood color; weak enough to see the underlying grey coat. I then applied a strong wash of Burnt Umber mixed with Mona Lisa thinner to bring out the wood grain detail. I was extremely pleased with how the wood came out.

Once all this was dry, I proceeded to build and install all the detail parts, railings and other fittings. This was a long and tedious process, but I got them all done. Then I went on to paint all the unpainted areas where the parts were attached to the sprue; and finished off with some more dry brushing and touching up glue spots with some dullcoat. At the end of this two-day marathon building session, I finally declared my Dora completed.

Now on to the pics:



Here is a shot of the rear loading deck:


Here's a shot of the front of the gun from above:


This is a shot of Dora from eye level. See how she looms above the viewer:


And this last shot was a fun little shot when someone placed a 28mm-sized (approx 1/48 scale) catapult next to Dora. It isn't quite the same scale, but it is quite the hilarious juxtaposition of these two:


There she is. My Magnum Opus; even greater than the armored train I did. For anyone going to the IPMS Nationals in Colorado, you'll be able to see her in person. I had a friend of mine build me a box to carry her and I am so thrilled to be able to transport her so securely.

Thanks to all who looked in and followed my work as I persevered in this massive undertaking. Your words of encouragement and support kept me going, allowing me to conquer my fear of this model and see this through to the end.

Enjoy these finished pics and once again, thanks for looking in and as always, comments are welcome!
Congratulations Mark, fine job. You should be proud of completing such a challenge!

And it looks great! :notworthy

But for god sakes, be careful moving that monster
Duke! :blink :blink :blink

You have hit the CLIMAX!!! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
You now roll in the hall of the braves! :ro:

Wonderfull! If you give me the honor, I like to share your work in some forums here in Brasil. May I? :D

Cheers and good luck in the nationals! :drinks

Mark, that was definitely worth the wait. Wouldn't it have been easier to prime that monster with spray can, and then airbrush the main color coats? I'll bet that beast dwarfs everything else in the collection.Nice job.

Thanks guys for the incredible responses! I appreciate them more than you know!

-> MP, I will be very careful. She's packed in a vary large wooden box that is well padded. She's not going anywhere!

-> Thanks Art! Yeah, I think I've peaked now; it's all downhill from here! LOL! :( :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
And yes, you have my permission to show this on your Brasilian Forums. Feel free to link them to my Work in Progress Thread as well if they want to see the in progress pics.

-> Dave, thanks! No it would have been much harder primering her with a rattlecan. There is no flow control on a spraycan and trying to get into tiny crevices and nooks would have made the paint gum up on the outer surfaces and run badly. Painting her with the airbrush gave me much finer control. I needed that because the flat black undercoat needed to be the most complete one possible, covering all the bare plastic that I could get. The toughest part of building this was trying to determine how much construction to do before painting. After having completed this, I can tell where I didn't make the right call and it did complicate the build a little. It was nothing I couldn't bull right through though. And yeah, it dwarfs everything! When I reach 700 completed armor models, I'm going to place them all on one big table again like before. She's gonna look awesome in the middle of all of them!

-> Sherman, I'm looking forward to meeting you.

-> Razor and Mr. T, thanks guys! Glad to see you stop in!
Thanks Adam! I'm quite surprised at myself for the way this turned out. I'm looking forward to having her on display!
Mighty,mighty,mighty,mighty piece of work Mark! (y) :notworthy

This will be a prominent eye-catcher at the nationals for sure!

Now that you are at the Nationals, I hope you have done well. You should do an article for the IPMS journal, They would have a great time since this is the first of the 50th anniversary of the society and this would be the capper of the year. Good job my friend.

Well Mark, the IPMS Nats are now history. How did you and that monsterpiece do at the show. Did you take anything else with you and did you win anything with them at all? I gotta know, because I am concerned. Let me know ASAP, please.

Dave, my apologies for not seeing this earlier. This year, I maintained my reputation by bringing 104 models to the Colorado Nationals. Dora was placed in Miscellaneous OOB because I had built her OOB and wanted her to be judged next to other OOB entries. Competition in that category was already stiff, but I felt I at least had a chance at a Third. That's how tough the competition was. I was not given that opportunity. They judged Dora in with the other regular Artillery category because "it's an artillery piece". Therefore I did not place this year. I overwhelmed them with quantity, but couldn't stack up in quality, especially in a regular category against other artillery models with turned-metal barrels and P/E. The silver lining to this is that I can now take Dora to all the local contests in this area for the next 12 months and I'll be able to save a bundle on lodging. I also intend to give Dora a return engagement in Columbus in 2015 since my brother lives there. I doubt seriously that I'll be able to raise the funds to go to Hampton next year. It's too far away and I don't see me making enough money to get out there.

I may still do an article for the Journal; after all I have the whole build thread to work off of. I'll look into that in another few weeks.

Thanks Dave for your support and I apologize once more for being so tardy in responding. Life got in the way after I got back, but now things are calming down. I've even started a couple more small projects that I will have posted soon in my Maddog Manufacturing Thread. Feel free to check them out.
Thats too bad that you didn't place with anything at the Nats. You say the '15 show will be in Columbus, Ohio. I'd like to try for Hampton next year but Columbus in '15 may be seriously workable. About how much $$$ would one expect to shell out for a show like that. I could possibly save from the income taxes that year. We'll have to see.

Yeah, well that's the way the contest goes when judges don't let you compete in the category you want.

Dave, I went to Colorado with a friend and fellow IPMS club member and we split the costs down the middle. We drove up in his vehicle which was packed to the gills with models. My share came to just under $600.00 for both gas and lodging for the rooms we shared on the way up; during the show, and on the way back. We each paid for our own meals. At the show, I spent just under $300.00 in the Vendor room; and food for the whole trip averaged about 12.00/meal; about $180.00 over six days.

I don't see me going to Hampton since the transportation expense is higher; I'd be gone longer due to travel time (I'd take Amtrak so I could get all my entries there safer) which would result in higher meal costs. It is simply too far for me. Columbus is pushing it for distance as well; but the fact that I can stay with my brother for significant lodging savings helps make that trip a greater possibility.

We got a really good room rate at a secondary hotel that had IPMS room rates (not the convention one) so we saved some bucks there. In Columbus; I'll be able to save a bundle on lodging since my brother lives there in Columbus, Ohio so I'll be able to shack up with him. Part of that savings will go to a rental car for me.

All in all, I think a great show experience can be gotten from $1800.00 to $2000.00 overall, including what you spend in the Vendor Room. I am actually looking forward to 2015. I do hope we can finally meet up at Columbus.