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The Duke's completed A7V Tank.

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
Here it is everyone. This is the Emhar 1/72 scale German A7V tank from WWI. I painted it up with Model Master enamels and weathered it with Tamiya powders. This beastie is slightly longer than three inches in length. I hope you like it:



I just noticed I need to take another pic of the right side. I've already painted that white gun barrel on that machine gun.

Thanks for looking in, comments are welcome.
Cool! What an interesting machine that was and quite a contrast to the later Blitzkrieg type of war the Germans invented.

Thanks for the comments and support guys! I also find it amazing that the Germans didn't even want to build tanks in WWI. Only a few of these A7V's were ever done. Most of their tank units were populated by captured Allied tanks. Quite the difference from the second War.

I'm glad to have this in my collection; I like this rolling pillbox too.
Duke, Its high time you got around to doing a German WWI armor piece to go with your Renault FT and the Mk IV Rhomboid monster. Very cool indeed. A rolling pillbox.

The rolling pillbox analogy is very good! I too like this, you have done an excellent job Sir!

Makes me think of what Hans Guedarien thought of these!
Thanks for the great comments guys!

Dave, it was only a matter of finally getting one. It wasn't easy. I do still need a couple more tanks done, but this will do for now.

iambrb, I'm quite curious as to what he did think. These certainly don't fit with his usual tactics; that's for sure.

Thanks again for all the comments and support.