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Please allow me to introduce myself....

Welcome aboard! Don't worry... I have yet to show one of my finished models yet they let me comment all I want!

Hi again, I originally replied on the Birthday thread and did not want to hijack the birthday wishes. So I am saying hi again here. Maureen and I have known Bob and Susan for around 19 years and we went to every one of their Mastercon shows. He really knows how to run a show and we have all become like one big family. You have probably gathered that by now. Through Bob's effort I have learnt such a lot about modeling and met some great people through Bob's efforts.
So welcome and enjoy.
Welcome Gail. I cant imagine anyone being more blessed than you and Bob. Finding your dad is special, finding he is a great man is super special. And then finding the social network of TNT and knowing the whole world (literally) has you backs is incredible. I wish you all the happiness in the world and hope you find this community of friends as awesome as I do.

aka Badger (I guess) :laugh:
With all these positive waves man, we can't go wrong...

Another geeky thing we do is quote moves Gail. If you're not up on the quotable movies I suggest starting with the Mel Brooks stuff and move forward. Course this is generally a guy thing so it's optional for ya..
Welcome to the forum Gail.

I cannot claim to have known your father aside from some conversations here but I have known of him since I was a little kid at the hobby store, gawking in awe at pictures of his work in the publications on the rack. Now, at forty, I can share those same builds, as well as his current work here with my eight year old son and watch him look on with what I can only guess to be the same, wide eyed wonder.

The story your father shared with us about your recent reconnecting was not only a touching story but what sounded like a really great time for all of you, or as they say here in New England, wicked awesome. :pp

Be sure to make yourself at home here and above all, have fun. If you can't tell as of yet, you're almost as much a celebrity as your dad.

Hi Gail,

Welcome to TNT, Sydney and I have known your dad for 19 years. We consider him and Susan as family, along with all the Mastercon family. So now may we add you and yours to our family?
Your finding each other is a story for the movies. Hope to meet you soon.

Again welcome aboard...
If you are anywhere near your Dad, many of us are envious... ;)
He is a wealth of modeling information and inspiration.
He is the reason a lot of us are still doing this. :)
Next time you sit down with him grill him for all his trade
secrets ( but make sure you have a couple of years to sit there
with him to obsorb some of them). Be the sponge, be the sponge. :silly:
Bob I hope that's ok with you. :lol:
You will enjoy hanging out here as everyone is friendly (and if you
get out of line) our fearless leader will send you to the naughty
corner, which you will find well stocked with modeling supplies
and good laughs. (I know, I'm a regular there). :blush: :blink :eek:hmy:
Enjoy yourself and have a great time.
Hi Gail,

Really happy you decided to join. I'll have you doing builds on here in no time at all!

BTW, many thanks to all you guys who gave her such a warm T & T welcome!

Is this a great place or what?

Bob (Poppy) Letterman
My diorama history consists of a project in the 5th grade, which was supposed to be based on a favorite book. I chose "Little House on the Prairie." My masterpiece consisted of my brother's Lincoln Logs built around my Malibu Barbie, which was dressed in a wedding gown because that was the only long dress I had for her. Barbie's leg stuck out of the front window and her arm stuck out the side and I had to leave the back of the house off because I ran out of Lincoln Logs. Throw in some sticks from the yard and a plastic cow that was the size of Barbies head and a work of art was born. My teacher didn't see the obvious beauty in the diorama and I barely got a passing grade.

And that is the sad saga of my modeling history. :([/quote]

Sounds great - Salvador Dali meets Bob Letterman.

Welcome to TnT. We are so pleased to have you here.

Hi Gail, Welcome to the nut house.

It must be such an awesome and life changing experience to find your father in the first place then you find out that your father is kind of a legend and hero within our little modelling world ( not just from here cos I knew all about BL in the UK during the 80`s) and also a very decent and honest chap what with his Police work and such, must be an eye opener.

Oh can you cut down on the sneaking and lurking as thats my job, thanks lolololol :D

Andy and Susan Fettes