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Normandy Well Reference photos?

For some reason I thought there may have been a brainstorming thread for this group build, but I can't seem to find it... oh well...

Does anyone have any reference photos for the type of village well we'll all be using? Google is not being my friend today.

You will be rewarded with a warm and fuzzy feeling for helping me out here.

Rudi :)
Rudi Richardson wrote:
For some reason I thought there may have been a brainstorming thread for this group build, but I can't seem to find it... oh well...

You're not alone Rudi, I remember that thread as well and I can't find it anywhere. Perhaps the OP of the thread edited it's title?
Good to know I'm not going crazy, well... too crazy... There's definitely nothing in the GB discussion group, and a site search of "brainstorming" yielded nada.

I'm struggling to determine if this sort of fountain, or well, was generally placed in a plaza, or to the side of a road, etc. I seem to recall diorama.ru having tonnes of reference photos about buildings etc. If I remember I'll have a gander there later - gotta pretend to do some work for at least the morning ;)
Looking at Munroe Perdu's site they say the well was based on one in St. Marie du Mont. This is what I've found so far.

I dont think this will help but maybe something here for someone.

This may be a really stoooopid question but,...

Was there anything like a lever to get the water up and out of the spouts ?
andyfettes wrote:
This may be a really stoooopid question but,...

Was there anything like a lever to get the water up and out of the spouts ?


I think th Well that We're gettin is more like a Free Flowing Artisian Well. No spout or Pumping needed !!

jknaus wrote:
I dont think this will help but maybe something here for someone.


JAMES !!! That's MONEY right there Son :ro: !!!! Awesome ! Exactly & that picture from duMont !!

AH !! Thanx for finding & Sharing !!! :peace :ro:

Now, don't let this thread evaporate ! :D

I guess someone accedently deleted the thread while trying to delete a post. All systems check out fine, no database problems. Nothing floating around in the system that's lost. Only explanation I can come up with.
Hi Guys,

Sorry I've been MIA so far in this group build. I have been busy getting a few new kits figured out and added to the website and it's been all consuming. I managed to make it to IPMS Phoenix and had a fun time catching up with some of the Tanks and Things members who stopped by our tables.

I'm glad to see the interest in this group build and can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. I'm going to be mailing the kits out this weekend and we'll all just have to see how long they take to get to everyone.

Regarding an image of the kit...of course that would be very helpful and I also remember there was something somewhere early on. If I were checking the site more often, I might have been astute enough to ask about it.

Anyway, I am attaching an image of the kit and one image of a vignette I made using it and...our Cobblestone Corner kit, surprisingly enough.

The very nice image of the well at St. Marie DuMont indeed shows where my inspiration came from. I didn't want to replicate the actual well exactly, as it is very well known, but I incorporated some features and other details from wells in other locations.

An interesting (at least I think) little scene happened when I was visiting the town some years ago. Very close to the well was a shop that had a lot of artifacts from the beaches and fields and some relics for sale. An older lady was on duty that day and she spoke little english. I've since been told that she has passed away and the shop is closed, though I can't verify that.

In any case, I was taking it all in and trying to make nice with my limited French when a boy about 10 years old came in with his Father. They were familiar to the lady and after some conversation, the boy handed her some money and helped himself to a Panzerfaust that was sitting upright in a sectioned rack with other pieces of ordnance and equipment. It was painted midwar German yellow and was complete with stenciling and instructions on the warhead. It was surely something that had been restored to look clean and functional. The boy was grinning ear to ear and the Dad rolled his eyes a bit and they hurried out of the store with their prize.

I was able to ascertain that the kid had been making payments on the Panzerfaust and I had witnessed the final payment. I thought about myself at that age and how I saved money to buy model kits and how my Dad drove me to the hobby shop even though he had no interest in what I thought was important at the time, of course.
I thought that kid was pretty fortunate to be able to touch and own relics of that terrible time. I assume he was aware and learning the history of the war and I bet he builds models.

Thanks for indulging me. I remember that shop whenever I am talking about the Normandy Well.

Hello guys, for the fountains in Normandy and in France generally. They can be either in the center of a village where there has been the case, was to water the animals, either against the walls of a house. She had no handles and water flows freely. As for the fountain with a pump controllers, it is steel or bronze. With an arm on the throttle side, or with a horizontal handle at the top. ;)
(I hope you understand my English, for those who have a sophisticated translator here is the French version;

Salut les gars, pour les fontaines en Normandie et en France généralement . Elles peuvent être soit au centre d’un village et si s’est le cas ,s’est pour faire boire les animaux ,soit contre les murs d’une maison. Elle n’ont pas de manettes et l’eau coule librement. Quant aux fontaines avec les manettes a pompes , elle sont en acier ou en bronze . Avec soit une manette a bras sur le coté ,soit avec une manivelle horizontale au dessus
I did find a link to see the fountains of all cities in France :Hiay

Yes the website is interested in, and it addresses the different region of my country and so many other battles!. It should also be understood that, after the war was part of 1945. Many villages and towns will changed their landscaping. Wider roads, houses demolished and rebuilt differently, memorials and fountains of 14-18, most everyone will load space compared to their original position! ;)
jenny croft wrote:
Well Captain Haddock , that link of yours is pure gold :) :) :) .

I have added it to my favourite reference links :)

Jenny :kiss:


I agree with JENNY. Rock-On !! Awesome Thanx for Sharing !! It really is Inspiring ! Now th Wheels are turning in th Idea Factory !!! :hmmm

I'm still gonna Tie in Cyberhobby/Dragon's Wittman's Last Tiger to it & maybe call it- Th Last Drink, May 8th '44. Maybe add some Grenadiers to th mix ??? :hmmm :hmmm
