I managed to get into the basement today and started the print job for Uhura which is a new figure from VX Labs I also have the base printing on the Neptune 3 Pro in black PLA +. I really like the PLA + as id prints like PLA which is really easy yet has the strength of PETG without the stringing and adhesion issues. I got more parts of the chop saw in also and can start building it now. Here is what Uhura is supposed to look like. If you go to the site to see which figures they have be aware there is NSFW figures also. I have the coat printed for The Ghost in the shell and just need to prime and then paint it ans she will be almost complete.
I also have more parts sliced for my Dragon, Fafnir in 75mm. I need to seal the seams on the base and print about 4 or 5 more plates of resin and then I can assemble it and start painting. Fafnior looks like this.

I also have more parts sliced for my Dragon, Fafnir in 75mm. I need to seal the seams on the base and print about 4 or 5 more plates of resin and then I can assemble it and start painting. Fafnior looks like this.
