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Shanna, The Jungle Queen

I am starting to make a bit of a mess so I will let her dry a while. The gator skin bikini wasn't cutting it so she has a ...python? bikini? She has a venemous snake belt of some sort. The knife I am unsure about. Where would she get one alone in the jungle? If she made it, what would the sheath be made of? I thought wood or bamboo. The stone handle can be another color. I used turquoise because I have used it as the reflected light throughout. But, where would she get turquouse in the jungle? And the buckle....wood maybe? Her feet are filthy as they probably would be. I am sure the jungle is short on razor blades so she has underarm hair and her bikini line...well...it's out.
Here is today's work...

I like the leaf shadows but am on the fence if they confuse the light direction so I am on the fence about removing them.
I had not planned on them being seen, as if the tree canopy is above her. It is possible I can add them to the base.
I think that would confused the viewer. Seeing a shadow on her leg but not seeing what's casting it, is it a bad suntan imprint? Dirt? Maybe have a small branch, as if she's coming out of the brush? Afterall, it is the jungle right?
Well, I dropped her and she broke all to pieces. My heart sank like a stone!!! Her body cracked in half and her head flew off. The spear broke into three pieces, and her toes are nowhere to be found. Same with the strand of hair front and center. I am gluing her back together as well as I can but she is not showable. I may paint another using what I learned from this one.
She is glued back together and the tree fixed as well as it can be. The toes on her right foot are still missing and the lock of hair that went across her forehead. You might can see the crack that goes from shoulder to shoulder.
Sorry to hear about the drop and damage Greg. She still looks pretty good. I know it is a disappointment, but what you learned from her is a wealth of techniques, and now you can experiment on her to try things out and not worry about it. The only thing I ever saw that could have used a little more blending was the line of her left chin where it went from her cheek area to the neck. The line was too sharp and needed a little more of a soft transition there.
Other than that she was a
3D-Looks Good.gif