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New Member . . . Beginning a Build Log


New member
Okay, I'll be ready to begin posting pics to the forum in the next day or so. As I understand things:

[li]My pics need to uploaded to the Image Gallery first.[/li]
[li]They should be placed in categories.[/li]
[li]I then move them from the Image Gallery to my post.[/li]

Are there any requrements for the pics such as maximum size in pixels, resolution, maximum storage size, etc?


Sounds like you are on the right track! The techical stuff is MoonPuppies bailywick, but the gallery will let you know if the picture is too big, it's happened to me once.

Terry B)
Hi, Mark- welcome to TnT! Glad to hear you'll be posting- the more the merrier.

I think you've got the basics down, and as far as pic size go, I think 800 pixels wide and 72 dpi would be good. The forum software automatically re-sizes things, but that's a good dimension for most viewers. I save my pics out with Photoshop, using the Save for Web settings, under the File settings on the top menu bar. You get the most bang for your download buck that way. Other image programs most likely have similar settings, so poke around your File menu for 'em.

I'm a terrible, terrible person and submit my pics at 100 pixels wide, but that's just me. I love to cause trouble for Moon Puppy and Laura!

I look forward to your posts, pal- cheers!

Let 'er Rip Baby !!! This site IS THE easiest place to Upload & display pix in the Universe !!

I look forward to seeing those Pix & Bring that Car to the Meeting on Thursday ?? See ya then ....

Give his a read over Mark and let me know if you have any questions.
