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NA P-51B Mustang - Son & Father "joint modeling"


Look how intense he is on the subject, a natural!!!

It must be wonderful, watching and helping your son build a model.... (y)

And, He looks just like you, but with more hair! :lol:

You are a lucky man, Hubert!
What a sharp looking Mustang. I'll echo Barney, your a lucky man to be able to share this hobby like this with your son.
Painting completed - it took a long time because it was problem to find time - during the week when I return from work we have together a little over an hour. This is not enough for preparing everything to paint, painting and cleaning up with precious help of Jr. During the weekends my wife always have something to do for us, so modeling often invents nothing comes out ... Today we were able to sit down and put decals - Jr. really liked it.

First try on Dad's lap ...


And then it was almost themselves (with the assistance of father "hanging" over the Jr.).



And so it looks a model - we're almost at the finish




Wow! Look at him go! Such intensity too! He's a natural! This is so awesome to see. I sure enjoyed it building models with all my nephews too!
who is teaching who here ? :laugh: It must be great to have fingers that size and eyes that can see small things :)
The 1/1 Hubert is pretty amazing, the 1/48 Hubert is spectacular :)
After a long brake we were finish the P-51 :woohoo:

Unfortunately, at the end I made a serious mistake - preparing the mixture to paint exhaust I did not take into account the high temperatures which currently prevails in Warsaw (30-35C) - the effect is visible ... The paint was too thick and too fast become dry, so I did not have opportunities to improve / correct the "dirt's" made with Jr... Antenna mast was lost somewhere by Jr.

Here you can see one photo from final gallery which i will present you soon in separate topic.
