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Mr. Surfacer restocked

moon puppy

Staff member
Just ordered my supply of Mr. Surfacer from the brothers of sprue. Now my order is in, I'd let you guys know it's restocked... :D

Seems every time I looked they have been out of stock.
Did you get the Dissolved Putty as I suggested? Seriously, try it and you may get me a steak!

Sprue Brothers says some guy in the southern States bought up the whole sea container of it. Hmmm I wonder :laugh:

Did you get the Dissolved Putty as I suggested? Seriously, try it and you may get me a steak!


I did, I did not get the plastic I was looking at, figured only to get the bear essentials this trip and hold out till the LHS Road Trip modelclub next meeting, which is in the planning stages right now. I think I already owe you a steak Saul.

James...not my order, mine was just a humble 2 bottles each.
Re: Mr. Surfacer purpose.

Sorry to break up this mouthwatering discussion, but.......

Just a newbie question.
Having not used the product, would you tell me ... is it a primer, or a product to "texturize" a surface, or what?


Re: Mr. Surfacer purpose.

Hi Bill, Short answer, yes.

Primer, filler texturizer and more. I think the best thing to do is let Matt Swann tell about it.

Re: Mr. Surfacer purpose.

Actually Mr.Surfacer & Mr. Dissolve Putty are 2 different Beasts !

MOONIE - as far as the Mr. Dissolve goes here are some Unsolicited Tips & a how to on How I use Mr. Dissolve or "Crack Cream" as the Guys in AMPSCV call it ! :D

1) Mr. Dissolve is Lacquer based. So, it can be thinned with Lacquer thinner( and that's what you should clean your brush with when you are finished). Often I have taken it to the point of a wash ! It really gets into th nooks & cranny of a gap that needs to be filled. The Best part is the Mr. Dissolve dries to a Smooth finish & is self Leveling !! I've used a 3-0 brush before to get into some small gaps. **

2) It is awesome to use to make Weld Beads !! I lay it in the joint, give it a few minutes to "skin" over( like Cooked Pudding) & then I take the backside of My No. 11 X-Acto blade and simulate the weld beads into it. I find it a whole lot better than using styrene rod & slathering it with Tamiya thin cement or trying to use Squadron Putty !

3) When I'm using it to fill gaps & ejector pin marks I'll lay it in there, giving it 24 hours to dry( considering that I've thinned it a little with Lacquer Thinner) & then use the Chisel blade of an X-acto & "plain" the spot flush & BANG !!! filled, so sanding needed, Smooth as a Baby's Bottom !!

** AS far as using it as a wash, I've had the Lacquer Thinner in a separate plastic pallet dish, Dipped the brush into the Lacquer & then Dip it into th Mr.Dissolve. & sometimes Visa-Versa. I guess you could scoop a little of the Mr.Dissolve out into th pallet & then thin with th Lacquer thinner ?? I just never thought to try it like that ? :idonno

Moonie- Just paly around with it & experiment with th consistency.... You'll see what I'm talkin' about ! I love this stuff. & after you use this stuff you'll forget all about the Tamiya Polyester & Squadron Puttys !!

I've seen written somewhere that dissolving putty with acetone, or some other thinner, would result in something like Mr. Surfacer... guess it's not true, eh?
I mean, if you guys are so pleased to find Mr. Surfacer, it must mean that it is a much better way to fill in seams of your models, right? ;)

I'm asking 'cause I think I saw someone selling Mr. Surfacer on the net, here in Brazil, which means I can get it without all the hassle of bringing it from abroad. :)

Cheers! B)

EDIT: I was writting my post as you posted your's Erik. I guess Mr. Dissolve is a different product than Mr. Surfacer, but perhaps it is from the same manufacturer?
Erik, I think you got Mr. Dissolve and Mr Surfacer swapped up, you pubin' with Andy?

You're prechin' to the choir about Mr. Surfacer. I love the stuff and I can't think of one kit that it's not on.

Fernao, this is true. I have taken squadron putty and desolve it down to the point of a liquid but the consistency was not nearly what Mr.Surfacer is like. Plus Mr. Surfacer comes in 3 grains. Pick up a bottle and read Swanny's article about it a couple of times to understand how it works. It's great stuff and you can control it with pen point accuracy or use it as an overall primer.

While I may have gone Pubin' with Andy, Mr.Dissolved Putty is Very Much different from Mr. Surfacer. I have both in th Arsenal & I can tell ya that Mr. Dissolved is a lacquer based as is Mr. Surfacer.

Big Dog - both are made by Gunze Sanyo look here

- http://store.spruebrothers.com/gunze-sangyo-mr-dissolved-putty-p119-p441.aspx

As you can see they are different & the tips I posted are for Mr. Dissolved Putty. Moonie posted pix of the Different variants of Mr. Surfacer. I really like Mr.Surfacer 500. I use that to add texture to certain things. I just stipple it on. Both are Lacquer based & can be thinned with Lacquer Thinner.

You can make Weld Beads with Mr. Surfacer, but the beads you can make with Mr. Dissolved are much better & more realistic.(IMHO)

Erik I may be the one confused then. I took Sauls suggestion to get Mr Dissoved Putty not really knowing what it is, but wanting to test it out. What you were describing was a lot like what Mr. Surfacer does. I stand corrected..

I'll check it closer when I get home, I think I may be missing some pictures while at work. Maybe Mr. Photobucket is denying me Mr. images that makes more sense of what's going one.
OK, I see I have gotten Moon Puppy in another fine mess!

I do know the differences between the Misters and asked Moon Puppy to try it it since it is in stock.

Erik, thanks for posting the tips as it saves me some time!

I was reading it as Mr. Dissolve Putty...as in, removal of putty...I really stand corrected and looking forward to seeing this. (If they ever start shipping down here again!! UPS store closed since Monday!)

I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again. I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again..I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again. I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again..I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again. I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again..I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again. I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again..I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again. I promise not to make fun of people's reading comprehension again.

you know, writing something on the whiteboard just ain't the same as writing it on the black board X times...:mpup
Thanks Laura and Moonmeister for the explanation.
I think that what confused me was that it is available in an aerosol form.
That threw me off as far as using it for filler.
I can see that it has many good uses. (fixing the over bite (rip/tear) from my cheap spru cutters).

Thanks all for the info.

Thanks Laura and Moonmeister for the explanation.
I think that what confused me was that it is available in an aerosol form.
That threw me off as far as using it for filler.
I can see that it has many good uses. (fixing the over bite (rip/tear) from my cheap spru cutters).

Thanks all for the info.


If you buy a bottle of 500 or 1000 they can be painted on then "sanded"with papertowl and alcohol or sandpaper, and some even shoot it with their airbrushes. I've been too chicken to try.