"You shoulda seen it in COLOR!!................"

Special thanks to Mile High Ship Model Club president David Waples for his assistance with the pontoon floating drydock references.
I could not have done the "Do-Over" without his help. The Allis generator will be orange. Clear coat and some washes and she will be ready for box art photos.
Likewise, the YR barge is sprayed with details left to pick out. The little crane and the tower for the SO radar antenna next.

"PT green for the up-gunned Elco 80-footer. I think my roll-off torpedo racks are a tad too tall. I know the 40mm Bofors barrel is too long, but it looks suitably menacing and I'm going with it! The little guys are Blue Ridge Hobby's 1/700 Higgins LCPL landing craft. Mine are waterline models. They come with the forward .30 caliber machine gun mounts covered. The boat with the radar has her forward mounts drilled out.
I went "Old School" with Floquil and Model Master enamel paints. When you shoot 3 drops at a time, Paint lasts a LONG time!
I was up early this morning and I've had LOTS of coffee! Kin ya teyell?

I did LOTS of minute modeling! Well, I sorta usually do.