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Moon Puppy's 75mm GMC M3 Halftrack

moon puppy wrote:
So am I Rob, funny what that Ken can get us to do with just the slightest of prodding. I was thinking today if the plastic stuff is OK for Ken, what am I burning my fingers for??

:D snicker, yeah! :whistle:
Let's talk about the stowage bin on the back of this infamous GMC.


Ken I'm thinking the braces and brackets that the box is resting on is actually the Stowage rack but with the back removed. Notice how there is a strap coming down and attaching to the bottom brace, as if the bin is not welded on the brace but strapped down.

Btw, I started on the bottom rack for the stowage, it's the Voyagermodels kit. First Voyager PE I have worked with. To tell the truth, it's not the last. Shoot, I may have a hard time going to any other PE for now on.
just went through all steps again and i reiterate my opinion, you are just as crazy if not more than i am. excellent. pity you are goining to have to paint this but then again i dont particularly like unpainted models.
Yeah but it sure would save time wouldn't it Alex?

I'm working on the stowage bin this evening, gun mount up front should not take long. Then I think i'm about ready to start painting.
It looks great MP

Im going to call you Photo-Etch-Eddie from now on

Im not really , I thought that kind of funny :)

I really cant wait to see it painted however such a shame sometimes to hide all that great detail work !
I think Watanabe-san is the only one who can get away with not painting a brass kit. I may disappoint ya Andy, the stowage bin is styrene stock. still wondering about the bottom of this stowage. I got the sidewalls done, and a floor, but not sure it would be solid.
moon puppy wrote:
So am I Rob, funny what that Ken can get us to do with just the slightest of prodding. I was thinking today if the plastic stuff is OK for Ken, what am I burning my fingers for??



That's what they make Roach Clips for, so you don't burn your .... :hmmm .. Your not talkin' about .. OH , your talkin' about soldiering P.E. :blush: :D

This Build is Rockin' Bro !! I'm diggin' it !! It's keepin' me Movin' along on th Sd.Kfz 7/1 Flak-vierling & all th P.E. from th Royal Edition from Griffon !

moon puppy wrote:
Let's talk about the stowage bin on the back of this infamous GMC.


Ken I'm thinking the braces and brackets that the box is resting on is actually the Stowage rack but with the back removed. Notice how there is a strap coming down and attaching to the bottom brace, as if the bin is not welded on the brace but strapped down.


you're going to have to explain that a bit better boss, I don't quite follow you. Are you saying it's those folding racks found on M3's M2's and M21's etc. only upside down, and all the way down to the bottom on the rear bumper? Then a big box strapped onto those?



It's not those, that's for sure. Keep in mind I have much better versions of these pictures. The pictures on Archers, were scanned/edited/cropped/re-sized etc. so Woody could put them on his site, the pictures I'm looking at are huge, crisp and clear compared to those. I can see the bolt heads and the bottom braces (one is bent) and I can't seem to see any canvas strap anywhere (other than the web gear).


I don't know what other stowage rack you could mean as the M3 GMC didn't have one standard, it had two boxes. This stowage box here is definitely a field mod since it goes right across the rear door making it unusable and doesn't resemble any standard fitting rack on any H/T. Maybe I'm not clear on what you mean?

Those are the racks, yes. I'm thinking about what you said regarding existing equipment to build this stuff in the field. I'm using the parts from those racks as the supports under the box.

Note the photo on the right in your post. See the progressing gap between the bottom support and the box? That is what got me thinking that this may be a separate assembly with the box strapped on it.

I'll get it dry fitted and let you see what I"m talking about.
ok I understand a little better now what you mean...

but is that even a box ? (and not just a flat piece of steel put along the walls to keep stuff from falling out?) I just can't picture these guys using solid bottom boxes, stowing all their personal gear in there, open to a three day rain storm and ending up with a big moldy bowl of nasty sweat and dirt soup. I always imagined these things would have mesh/screen/wire/slatted bottoms to allow the draining of rain water.

Not to mention, where did they find a box the same exact width of a half track with the right height? How did they lift that monstrosity into place?

These things seem to be made out of destroyed Pnzr IV Schürzen, some farmers shed, destroyed artillery gun shields, scrap junk etc. cut up with torches and stuck together haphazardly in the dirt with welding rods and nuts and bolts, giant scrap heaps attached to the back however they could manage... no two ever really seem to be the same.


I dunno brotherman, I'm sure it will come out great however you pull it off. I aint hatin' so I'll just give it a rest, build how you like, and like how you build, and have fun with it too.

Maybe "Box" is not the word I should use. I'm thinking this rack was more permanently mounted and purpose built because, as you know well, the unit number is painted on the rear of it. Not to over look the bolting on of the support straps. Keep in mind i'm only using the bottom of the rack. I'll use the upper support for parts to finish it out.

I'm looking around for something to use for mesh, may even weave some wire together.

BTW, in your photos, can you tell if the supports under the stowage bin runs the width of the bin?
How big a piece of mesh do you need and how fine? I have bought some brass mesh from the railroad section on the hobby shop that I'd share, let me know if I can help out. Excellent work, my friend! (y)
Maybe you can hand deliver it since I have your tweezers hostage. :mpup
I'm going to try and put this to bed today. Sitting here cranking up the synapses with java and thinking this through.

Ken maybe this will help you see what I"m trying.

what's throwing me off is you can clearly see to support brackets coming up on the LHS, but not on the right. Maybe in your original image you can see more.
moon puppy wrote:
I'm looking around for something to use for mesh, may even weave some wire together.

You sir, are insane. :D

How about some window screen? (not out of the new windows mind you) I would think those squares would be about the size of 1/35 chain link fencing?

moon puppy wrote:
BTW, in your photos, can you tell if the supports under the stowage bin runs the width of the bin?

OK, I think that's where we are bumping heads a bit. To me, it looks like one continuous piece that goes across the entire width, it's even bent up a bit like it was backed into something.

Here's the scan of the book, try to ignore the binder which gets right in your way. Does this help? I can try to blow it up/clean it up if it doesn't.

That's great. Just what I thought..I'll post picture tonight of what I"m doing. I think you'll approve. That picture only shows three support brackets on the underside. I'm thinking there were four and since one is bent, stands to reason that the other may have been sheared away or removed.

Yeah, insanity is not good. Made the Java too strong this am and doubt I could do that with the wire. Still not sure what I"ll use but there's going to be something.
Man, that is looking good!

I have some wedding vail that makes good screen. PM me if want some. I can drop it in the mail tuesday.
moon puppy wrote:
That's great. Just what I thought..I'll post picture tonight of what I"m doing. I think you'll approve. That picture only shows three support brackets on the underside. I'm thinking there were four and since one is bent, stands to reason that the other may have been sheared away or removed.

Yeah see, confusion.

I thought you meant the horizontal piece going across the bottom of the 'box' (which looks bent right near the books binder) and you meant the angled supports going to the bumpers (which one is bent and another looks like it's missing).

I'm sure I'll more than approve dude, this build is sick. (in the good way)
Hey Pup , you're doin a fine job man .
A lot of field added stuff like Ken said is from anywhere and anthing they could get their hands on .

I love field mods !!!

I've got a lot of half track pics. , I've got to get around to posting them so you two can splain them to me !!!
Yeah I was talking about all that Ken, that whole brace/bracket setup down there. I"ll get pictures if what I did. It's looking right and I took care of the bottom "mesh" in the same sweep.
Alrighty then. Here we go.

The one I was working from.


Don't you love the hot pink tweezers? Tell ya what, they are easy to find in a pile of tools. Well I used too many straps on the side and what I used was way to thick. But I'm calling this in the can, after I like take that bottom offending piece of styrene off.


As you can see, there are three racks attached to the rear wall. The two outer ones are the lower racks, the one in the center is attached to the door and is one of the upright racks.


And since we're using the racks them selves, no need for mesh to hold things in place. If any doubt, there's some stowage...


The order of the straps may be wrong, I couldn't remember when I got to the garage. It's close I think.


The under side braces are the braces that connect the upper and lower racks when they are properly installed. Bent the end at an angle to mount flat and placed a bolt head where they attach to the bumper. Also took a thin piece of brass sheet and folded over as a angle bracket and joined all three racks, even got the bend in it.


There is a third brace due.


And here's an overall dry fit.

Well here