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Mini rant and a yahoo.


Applied for a new job last week. Now the tense hurry up and wait for news. Also got another printer because some reason that sounded good in my head at the time. Just need to calibrate it and see how much difference there is between the Saturn 3 and Saturn 3 Ultra. Need to sell some printers but no one is buying up here. Then the miserable. Cant play with the printer or do my Bf 109 because I seem to have buggered up my right arm and shoulder. Dont want to go out because of the smoke in the air. Want to do something but dont know what. Guess I'll go read. Getting old sucks and as Rhino says, Getting old isnt for sissies.
T'was Sam Elliot said that. I only remembered it. I remember Sam's quote almost every day.
Taylor's Halligan bar is going together. JB takes 16-24 hours to cure. It should be done in plenty of time for the wedding.
OK I'll play. Trismus is what it's called. Google it. It's gotten to the point that every time I have any dental work done I get it. This spell has now lasted 4 weeks. Really pissin me off, I've only lost a couple of pounds but I haven't had a sandwich of any sort in that time. On top of that Chick-a-filet has it's pimento cheese chicken sandwich back!! That obviously is the rant.

I'll get back to ya with the yahoo...
That tool is looking pretty sweet. It was done on a Neptune 4Max though, not a Saturn. Couldnt fit the darned thing in no matter how I tried and thus you got a plastic one instead of resin. Really liking it though.
OK I'll play. Trismus is what it's called. Google it. It's gotten to the point that every time I have any dental work done I get it. This spell has now lasted 4 weeks. Really pissin me off, I've only lost a couple of pounds but I haven't had a sandwich of any sort in that time. On top of that Chick-a-filet has it's pimento cheese chicken sandwich back!! That obviously is the rant.

I'll get back to ya with the yahoo...
PFOOF! I have my maladies but at least I can chew proficiently. That sounds rough, Bubba.
OK I'll play. Trismus is what it's called. Google it. It's gotten to the point that every time I have any dental work done I get it. This spell has now lasted 4 weeks. Really pissin me off, I've only lost a couple of pounds but I haven't had a sandwich of any sort in that time. On top of that Chick-a-filet has it's pimento cheese chicken sandwich back!! That obviously is the rant.

I'll get back to ya with the yahoo...
Hey, one of the cures is wacky tabakki lol
someone gave me a bottle of single malt last week for a retirement present..odd because i haven't retired, maybe he was trying to tell me summit but anyway... Point is i woke up many hours later with this idea of a Harley called "Big Beautiful Doll"
Don't nod off during Sons of Anarchy :)
So i just measured up my italeri 1/9 Harley WLA 750 and 1/48 decals would fit well on the fuel tank.......now there's a thought
Here a while back my right shoulder around the joint started having a little discomfort. Some of it was from the fact I sleep on my sides. Not sure if there was anything else tweaking it but anyway, it was constantly sore and It hurt a bit to raise my right arm above shoulder level. Got me to thinking to myself ...

[((Self, if this is getting old, it sucks and I need to figger out somtin to see if it can get better))]

Then I ran across an advertisement for some "Native Path Collagen Peptides" that made some sense so I gave it a try. My shoulder had been bothering me constantly for several weeks. Not a lot, but it was there pretty much all the time. I started taking the stuff and within 3 or 4 days my shoulder quit hurting and has not bothered me since. After taking it for a while I started getting other signs that I needed to back off the stuff a bit so now instead of the large amounts I was taking at first, I now take a tablespoon in my hot tea 2-3 times a week and all is well.
What have we become, use to be we shared what great beers out there now we're sharing what's the best joint supplicants we can get. :oldguy:
ha ha too true bob

I was just put on that weight loss injection thing over here about 6 weeks ago
I was 6ft 4" and 272 Ib
Now i am still 6ft 4" :) and 257Ib and falling.
Trouble is they say it supresses your appetite but in truth it just makes you feel so ill you dont feel like eating anyway....
I figure if nothing else, if i loose another 30Ib my car might go a bit faster :)
As we get old we are known to others by what ailments or disease we have. The getting old is not for sissies was first said by Betty Davis. Gary S.
ha ha too true bob

I was just put on that weight loss injection thing over here about 6 weeks ago
I was 6ft 4" and 272 Ib
Now i am still 6ft 4" :) and 257Ib and falling.
Trouble is they say it supresses your appetite but in truth it just makes you feel so ill you dont feel like eating anyway....
I figure if nothing else, if i loose another 30Ib my car might go a bit faster :)
They had me on that for a while, I dropped 20 pretty quickly, didn't feel bad. I've managed to keep it off but insurance stopped paying and took me off.

I'd be ticked pink to be 250s!
When I was young I was about 6'3" and had a 30" waist. I just checked and now I am right at 6 foot barefoot and have a 34+" waist. Yup old age makes you shorter and wider.
Was a stick at 135 pounds in college, now am 185 and am working at keeping it there.
5'11",176 lb.S. Duck tape and will power. Plus cutting out the beer helps. We split a single serving frozen entree with a salad for dinner. Staying away from restaurants, soft drinks including diet drinks helps. About ten years ago I hit 208-210 lb.S and decided to make some changes. Gary S.
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They had me on that for a while, I dropped 20 pretty quickly, didn't feel bad. I've managed to keep it off but insurance stopped paying and took me off.

I'd be ticked pink to be 250s!
I suppose we are lucky as the doc prescribed it so the government picks up the bill. I would like to get to 15 stone. oh yea, you dont do stones :) so that 15 x14 Ib....so 210Ib

You do see fat people in the UK but you hardly ever see old fat people :)