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MIG products line


Active member
Anyone here using this stuff? I have to order it,can't get it local. but the reviews I have read in the better mags have all been positive. Thanks CR

I'd say the pigments and washes etc are very good. Only problem is the learning curve to use them really well. Jump in with both feet.
Chip that's like asking if we use glue. There's thread after thread on here and other places about how to use these things. Migs, AK Interactive, Vallejo and all sorts of other brands out there.

Short answer to your question is Yes.

Now whatcha got in mind...:popcorn

BTW, the Hobbytown down in Augusta carries Vallejo stuff, someone kept pestering him about it. :mpup
Thanks, I'm trying to figure dust on my Panzer IV, you saw the basic color in my Tauch thread- I have to get a new camera before I start sending more stuff up as the old one is kaput. I also want to try a wash without getting into Bob L's pastel recipe, that sounds just too much for me. I have messed up soo much with paint.
Chip, might I suggest taking a stroll thorough the https://www.modelersalliance.com/forum/sprue-university and https://www.modelersalliance.com/forum/weathering-olive-drab

Dad's weathering OD is great tutorial, very easy to follow even I pulled one off. (y)
I hate to admit it Bob, but I 'stole' his OD weathering guide last year when he completed. It fit nice on word. lol
I'm just looking for the easiest route- I'm interested in their 'European Dust' and the rust and oil staining pigments. But I may give Bob L's oil and turp mix a shot.
If you want to do the pigments then look on youtube.com and search for weathering. Such as this one.

And this one.


But big thing is check in the Sprue U as there are a lot of really good tutorials.
