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MiG 23MF (Moved from Red Banner Campaign)

Thanks all, appreciate the kind words as ever.

Going to take a break for a few days from this and focus on finishing the STAP & Battle Droid for the Geek Up Campaign. as I said before, I really like how this has turned-out and tbh I'm kind of worried about post-shading it... but then as one of the characters in 'Castle' said:

"My personal motto has always been, 'do the thing that scares you most'"

... so, when the time comes, I'll be the one with a death-grip on the airbrush and holding his breath :frantic

Thanks all, appreciate the kind words as ever.

Going to take a break for a few days from this and focus on finishing the STAP & Battle Droid for the Geek Up Campaign. as I said before, I really like how this has turned-out and tbh I'm kind of worried about post-shading it... but then as one of the characters in 'Castle' said:

"My personal motto has always been, 'do the thing that scares you most'"

... so, when the time comes, I'll be the one with a death-grip on the airbrush and holding his breath :frantic

As with many kits, there are things to correct and/or detail but a simple thing you can do (since your model is the MiG-23M and the decals are for the MiG-23MF) is to add the reinforcing bar for the rear view mirror.

Looking at the top of the canopy, this is what the kit provides:


Add a strip of plastic and it becomes this, correct for the MiG-23MF (& MLD):


Sort of a non-update. With just over a month till this campaign ends, I have to think about whether this will get finished.

I've put a LOT of effort to getting to the point it's at now, and in-truth it wouldn't take too much more effort to finish it. HOWEVER (y'all knew that was coming, right ?), however, it's just so d*mn cold here that working at the bench is virtually impossible, I would at best, get twenty to thirty minutes, and only in the mid-afternoon when the temp is just about bearable and the paint will behave correctly.

Unless there's a sudden outbreak of global warming, I don't think that I'll be able to finish this by the end of next month to the standard that I want to keep to.

It will definitely be finished, but probably in the spring, around mid-August.

Sort of a non-update. With just over a month till this campaign ends, I have to think about whether this will get finished.

I've put a LOT of effort to getting to the point it's at now, and in-truth it wouldn't take too much more effort to finish it. HOWEVER (y'all knew that was coming, right ?), however, it's just so d*mn cold here that working at the bench is virtually impossible, I would at best, get twenty to thirty minutes, and only in the mid-afternoon when the temp is just about bearable and the paint will behave correctly.

Unless there's a sudden outbreak of global warming, I don't think that I'll be able to finish this by the end of next month to the standard that I want to keep to.

It will definitely be finished, but probably in the spring, around mid-August.


However... I'll trade weather with ya!! :eek:hyeah 105 degrees here today!! :sick:
So as you can see, I've re-spotted this to Wesendorf Field, to allow me to finish it without the pressure of the upcoming Red Banner Campaign deadline.

More will happen, just not before Spring (here).


So as mentioned at the weekend, because I've put such a lot in to this project and with the pressure of the Campaign deadline looming, to allow myself a little 'breathing room', I decided to re-spot it here in Wesendorf Field.

Work will reconvene in the Spring (here) but for now it's taking an extended break. Thanks once again everyone, for the support for this one.

Sounds good.

Need to change who started the topic :D I think that is because I'm on the the first post on page one :tomato