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MiG 23MF (Moved from Red Banner Campaign)

Excellent work Comrade ..... Keep up the great job .... and we won't have to banish you .... awful cold in Siberia ....
Good job Ian, you're not getting any of our negative vibes down there then.


No, bud, seems that particular 'infection' hasn't made it this far south, but then it is summer down here, maybe the SNAFU virus only comes-out when it's cold :idonno

If I can get some bench-time today, I'll be painting the Quickboost resin seat... Now I really will enjoy that task.



First the seats were primed in my Tamiya 'off black' mix, then given a light coat of 'Sky Grey'. After drying a couple of days, this morning, I painted the belts with 'Buff' and 'Khaki' then this evening applied a thin Raw Umber wash.



Tomorrow I'll dry-brush with enamels and add the details. Thanks for taking the time to watch and/or comment.


Hey Ian,

Just caught up with the tread. I remember reading about how excited you were about it!

Fantastic additions to the gear bay! you're doing a great job so far!

Thanks all for the comments, much appreciated. Managed to get-in an hour or so last night, so this is my 'start point' this morning:





My photos are particularly poor, not sure why, so what you cannot see is just how much filling I need to do. I'll take some more shots during the process to give you an idea. Worst area is where the top 'plate' meets the upper fuselage aft of the intakes... it's horrendous !!

Taking the shots from your phone Ian? Build is looking good. :popcorn

That's the thing, Bob, the shots of the seat work were on my phone. These pics were with my usually very reliable Fuji S9600. Hope it's simply a lighting thing, because I've got a date with +/-600 Muscle Cars & Hot Rods this afternoon as Americarna, goes through our village !!

In the meantime I'll be at the bench finishing-off the seat. More very soon folks, thanks for looking.

No work over the weekend as we were busy with the 'Little Stormtroopers' (and it was very warm again), and none today as I was busy with house chores, buying Star Wars box-sets, lookin' at nekkid wimmin on the interweb :blush: and the weather's now gone from warm to hot (again).

If it cools-off tomorrow, then back to the bench.
