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MiG 23MF (Moved from Red Banner Campaign)

Thanks guys. It has cooled down again today, so once I'm done with a box full of eMails it's back to the bench for lots and lots of 'filling'n sanding'

Excellent work Ian, Flogger is my favorite cold war subject... :coolio

All the best!
Thanks all.
The MiG is currently wearing a patchwork of camo tones and masking and not 'pretty' to look at if I'm honest. Four colour camouflage takes time to apply and this weekend I'm away at another SAREX so no work will get done until Monday at the earliest.

Stay tuned.

Paint going-on:



Blue for the majority of the underside and light grey aft of the wheel-bay. Don't know the reasoning behind this but it seems very common on export MiG 23's. As you can see I indulged in a little post-shading here and there.



This was just about mid-way through the four-tone spray-mask-spray again process. After looking at so many photos of the real thing, I decided to limit the red-brown to around 10% of the upper airframe with the remaining 90% divided roughly equally between the two greens and the light earth tones. Here I'd just already painted and masked the red brown and lighter green, the light earth was just drying.

As this is written all the upper camo has been done but I still need to touch-up here and there which hopefully I can get on to tomorrow.

Stay tuned more (very) soon.

As ever, comrades, I really appreciate the kind comments. It's 0850 here as I type this and way too cool to decamp into the man-cave to spray some paint about. Almost certainly at some point today I'll finish the touching-up and take some pics of the finished paintwork...

...All I'm sayin' is this: I really like the way it's turned-out, and that's before I start post-shading !!


Camo all touched-up and ready for post shading :S





So far I've used all the Tamiya acrylics I posted on the first page, the only enamel is the Turquoise in the cockpit from Xtracolour. The post-shading is going to be a big undertaking but not for a couple of days.

