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Meet Mj. Seamus " Killer" Kowalski, USMC


Well-known member
If you look at the face you may recognize this figure from the 21 CT F-4U 1D. I sent it to a good friend from ACG and asked him if he would paint up a couple of figures for me. The other one, Sir F. Rodeny Faireywhistle will be on his way in the next couple of months. This was painted by David "Razor Boy" Creel.
With deep appreciation I thank him again.

Meet Maj. Seamus " Killer" Kowalski, USMC

Not bad, did Dave do the sculpting?
No Bob, that was the kit mold. I used one for the F4B4 I built about 18 months back. Now I have a real nice one that goes to my last P-40 and I think I'll give it a shot and hope I can come close.