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Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48 !DONE!

Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48

The model and paint are looking very good.

Don't worry if the RLM 71 is a bit off, in your pictures it looks maybe a little dark, no problem though since its an easy fix by spraying some RLM 02 tinted thinner to lighten it a little.

Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48

Looking great Hubert - rule of thumb with any acrylic paint - Always prime before you spray with acrylics, then no paint lift at all.

I second that emotion, or at least it has been my experience so far.

Cheers, Christian B)
Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48

Ok, now it's time for the next step: I put decals and .. I am angry on Airfix - from set of kit's decals I took crosses and ... the rest I let go. The reason? Decals are gruesome - very rigid and "silver" as the old Revell / Matchbox of the 90's, even glossy varnish underneath and "loyal chemistry" wasn't able to help. Emblem, number, swastikas and symbols I took from a set of Kagero / TECHMOD decals and were "put" much more sensational.

On the pictures of Bf-109E from JG.26 from Sicily which are at my disposal I do not see a battered, so I limited the exploitation "marks" to soiling.

Now waiting for my assembly the gear, the fuel tank, and the rest of missing smallware (including antenna).








Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48

Looking good Hubert. Much to be said about kit decals . Not good for most part.

I wonder how much money they would loose by giving the modelers good decals ? It sure would make me a lot happier .

Cheers, Christian B)
Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48

Gorgeous looking 109 (y) (y) (y) Really like the dirt along the fuse, well done.
Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48

Very nice work- and I do like that color scheme. What kind of guns did this craft carry in the wings, Hubert? Interesting fairings...

Malta 1940-43, Bf-109E7, JG.26, Airfix 1/48

you have almost presuaded me to build an Emil but I still have the bug for a G-6
Emil is done :yipee

Klaus Mietusch was born on 5 August 1918 at Posen. After completing his flying training he was transferred to 2./JG 234, which was later redesignated 2./JG 26 on 1 September 1938. On 23 September 1939, Leutnant Mietusch was transferred to 7./JG 26. He participated in the Battle of France but, on 8 June 1940, was shot down in his Bf 109 E-1 (W.Nr. 2746) by a RAF Hurricane fighter near Neufchatel. He force-landed behind French lines unhurt, but was then shot in the buttocks by a French civilian :) . He became a prisoner of war of the French. He was released at the fall of France. Reunited with 7./JG 26, Mietusch gained his first victory on 31 May 1940, when he shot down a RAF Hurricane near Dunkirk. By the end of 1940, he had added a second victory and been promoted to Oberleutnant.

In January 1941, 7./JG 26, was relocated to Sicily. Mietusch gained three victories over Malta before 7./JG 26 were briefly deployed to participate in the assault on Yugoslavia. Mietusch gained a single victory over Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941, when he shot down a Fury biplane over Podgorica (in true it was Avia BH-33 flown by Narednik Djordje Cvetkovic). Redeployed over Malta, Mietusch added a further three victories, including a notable RAF ace. On 13 April, Mietusch attacked a Hurricane that had attacked four Bf 109s and shot it down for his eighth victory. The Hurricane was flown by Flying Officer E M “Imshi” Mason (15.4 confirmed and 3.6 damaged victories) of 274 Sqn, RAF who ditched his stricken aircraft in the sea having suffered wounds to his hand in the aerial combat and a broken nose in the ditching.


source: internet

Mietusch also saw combat over North Africa gaining a single victory in the battles around Tobruk. By September, 7./JG 26 was relocated back to the Channel front. On 19 August 1942, he shot down two RAF Spitfire fighters over the Allied landings at Dieppe for his 20th and 21st victories. Hauptmann Mietusch led 7./JG 26 to Russia in February 1943 where it replaced I./JG 54 near Leningrad. Until June 1943, when 7./JG 26 was sent back to the Western Front, the Staffel shot down 63 Russian aircraft. Mietusch himself gained 15 victories during this period.

On 5 July 1943, Mietusch became Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG 26. His 50th victory was a B-17 shot down over Cambra on 20 October. On 8 March 1944, Mietusch claimed a B-17 as his 60th victory. However, when attempting to attack the withdrawing bombers, Mietusch was shot down in Bf 109 G-6 (W.Nr. 162 032) “Black 21” near Meppen by the USAAF P-47 fighter escort. He baled out and landed safely but had suffered injuries destined to keep him in hospital for the next few weeks. He was awarded the Ritterkreuz for his 60th victory on 26 March 1944.

He received promotion to the rank of Major in April. While landing at Rouvres-Étain on 12 April, Mietusch’s Bf 109 G-6 (W.Nr. 162 345) “Black 24” hit a bomb crater and overturned. He suffered injuries that put him back in hospital for three weeks. Mietusch shot down a USAAF P-38 twin-engine fighter near Chartres on 4 July to record his 70th victory.


source: internet

Mietusch was engaged in combat with USAAF P-51 fighters on 17 September 1944. After gaining his 75th, and final victory, he was shot down and killed in Bf 109 G-6 (W.Nr. 441 646) “Black 25” in the vicinity of Rath-Aldekerk by the American ace, Lieutenant William Beyer (9 victories) of the 376th Fighter Squadron of the 361st Fighter Group, USAAF.

He was posthumously awarded the Eichenlaub (Nr 653) on 18 November. In 452 combat missions Klaus Mietusch gained 75 victories. He was wounded several times and was shot down ten times.









