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Logistics, The Figures Updated Feb 8th, 2021

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Glad to hear you're still with us Bob!! :drinks :drinks And to hear things are going smoothly for you & the Mrs.
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Great to hear from you Bob,
good luck with the rest of the move...... (y)

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Congrats to You & Susan for a happy fiftieth anniversary ... A very rare thing for couples in today's times ... I hope you get to get back to the bench soon ... I've been missing your work ... I hope to see the museum when you get it opened some day ... Get some rest and enjoy your new digs ... Oh and when is the house warming party???
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

:drinks Glad to hear that you are doing fine and that the move went fine, i can believe it was a big job and still work left before everything is in place again.

Greetings Mats

Mats, you have no idea!. More than 400 boxes to pack and now, we have unpacked about half of them and another half to go.

It'll get there...... Someday!

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Stay with it :soldier Let me know if you need a Jack Stack care package.


Thanks Terry,

I really miss Jack Stacks, but Springfield has a restaurant from a chain we didn't have in St. Louis, Cheddars. They have great baby back ribs!

Glad to hear you're still with us Bob!! :drinks :drinks And to hear things are going smoothly for you & the Mrs.

Ed, I'll be with MA till I'm not around at all anymore! :yipee It's getting' there!

Good luck with it all Bob :zen :zen :zen


Hey Laurence,

Working hard every day. Looking forward to getting back to our emails!

Glad the move went well Bob :)

Thanks Andy,

I'm now guessing I will be back at the bench by the end of March. The movers damaged 4 of the dioramas, nothing I can't repair, although one of them, (Arrogance), looked like they played baseball with it!
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Great to hear from you Bob,
good luck with the rest of the move...... (y)


Hey Ian,

Good to hear from you!

I'll be back at it soon!

Congrats to You & Susan for a happy fiftieth anniversary ... A very rare thing for couples in today's times ... I hope you get to get back to the bench soon ... I've been missing your work ... I hope to see the museum when you get it opened some day ... Get some rest and enjoy your new digs ... Oh and when is the house warming party???

Thanks Swordsman,

50 years married is a long time, and...... I also felt those years during this move. It was 16 years ago when we last moved and that was just within the same town. Amazing how much difference in age 59 and almost 75 there is when it comes to moving! I can still hold my own, just not as long! :yipee

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Glad to hear you are getting things sorted out Bob. Can't say I ever think much about movers any more. I moved myself about 8 or 9 times in my 30's and early 40's. Never had anything broken or damaged. Moved to Memphis in '06 also didn't have anything broken or damaged. Had 2 different movers move me across town here and paid the most and had the most damage done this last time. :bang head :vmad

I have learned that the only way I can get anything done is I am going to have to micromanage the hell out of the morons doing the moving.

With that said, why no pics of the mess? We would love to see the start and progress!

Really sorry to hear about the damaged Dios Bob! Hopefully they can be restored to their former glory.
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Wow, I finally got caught up with this one. I'm also glad to hear the move went well and I'm thrilled to see you back on the Alliance as well. You have been missed. I would also love to see pics of the mess so we can watch and live vicariously through the cleanup.

I remember moving a lot when we were younger; my father was Air Force so I learned well how to pack and condense. Whenever I have helped friends move, that knowledge has come in handy many times. I wish I could move to a new house while I'm still young enough to pack and move all 1100+ models I have done! Don't think that's ever going to happen though.

Welcome back once again Bob, I'm thrilled to see you back.
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Yep moving is a horror. Done it too many times. Cant wait to see whats happening when you get back up and running.
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Hey Laurence,

Working hard every day. Looking forward to getting back to our emails!

So am I, but all in your own good time, Bob, work comes first :D

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Well, some of you have asked to see photos of this disaster. Keep in mind that we have been working on this for 6 weeks now so it isn't nearly as bad as it was. We had movers come out and move 9 large dioramas to a storage center temporarily until we could work around all this mess and get it in order.

I shot these yesterday! Here is the three car garage. Note the stacks are still higher that the overhead doors!




Then there is my future model room in the basement. It is 20' X 16', so not nearly as large as before, but I'll manage.



I have managed to clear one wall and line it with my favorite shelves. Gorilla shelves are the greatest. They will hold hundreds of pounds with ease!


Then, there is the museum.





The back door to the museum. (Walkout basement back door).


Coccoon was one of the lucky ones with no damage at all!


Legacies made it through unscathed as well!


We moved 20 mannikins, one of which was this Boots and Coots Firefighter gear which was used to put out the Iraqi oil fires in the first Gulf war.


Here is the worst of the five that were damaged. (Souvenirs)


This is what it looked like before!


The other ones that were damaged were Arrogance, Lost Cause, one of Lewis', the piloted V-! German rocket and the Desert rio with the camel.

No problem, I can repair them all and shouldn't take a lot of time!

I am hoping to have this all in order by March 31st or the middle of April for sure!

We have had to have painting done, electricians come in and do a lot of wiring and add many light fixtures and switches, etc. We do have the main level finished where we live so we can take our time with this.

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

You're making progress! That's good.

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Wowzers Bob! Nice place, lot of natural lighting as well (y) Looking foreward to seeing this all set up when the time comes :drinks
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Holy Boxload Bob! Looks like you cleaned out several Lowe's of their box supplies though. :D

Thanks for the photos, looks like a real chore going on there! (y)
Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Hey, before you get to far with that lighting, try out those LED lights instead of the old school florescent ones.

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

You're making progress! That's good.


Hey Terry,

Yeah, making progress, slow progress!


Wowzers Bob! Nice place, lot of natural lighting as well (y) Looking foreward to seeing this all set up when the time comes :drinks

Thanks Ed,

A lot of lighting, but not nearly enough. I think the people who lived here were moles. The first two weeks we needed flashlights the lighting upstairs was so environmentally correct, but that has been corrected.

Logistics, The Figures Updated August 31st, 2015

Holy Boxload Bob! Looks like you cleaned out several Lowe's of their box supplies though. :D

Thanks for the photos, looks like a real chore going on there! (y)

Not including the moving company, we bought more then $1500 worth of boxes and packing materials! I couldn't allow a moving company to touch the models and dioramas, so we packed them all ourselves, rented a 26' moving van, the largest they make, and moved all that ourselves. Then the movers used two of those 26' vans plus a semi to get it all here!
