Wow, it is a fantastically detailed kit! I usually avoid these blogs as I find myself ordering more kits so as to follow...
Tom this was the prototype by one company for a Multi Purpose tank. Weapons carrier,ammo hauler and recovery tank like the one they call the Grasshopper.
The tank could be use as a normal field arty for troop support or the gun could be lifted out, the trailing arms and wheels installed and left in the field.
It carried a jib pole lifting rig for this purpose, cool huh?
Built on a Hummel chassis the High Command was worried that it would halt or slow down production of much needed tanks and the thing was cancelled just as it was ready to go into production
I've seen black & white picture of the dark yellow and another with green stripes painted over the dark yellow of the one on display somewhere. There is also a picture (B&W) of what looks like green splotches???? over the dark yellow.
According to Panzer Tracts 10-1, which has some excellent plans of this vehicle, the hull was modified from the G.W. III/IV (Nashorn/Hummel) by widening it 100mm. Production was to commence in October of 1944. Excuses were made as to why production was not started and not one was accepted by Wa J Rue by February of 1945. During a meeting on Entwicklung und Fertigung on 12th of December, 1944, the decision was made to drop the le.Pz.Haub.Alkett from production plans.
In the lower half of this image we see the vehicle after capture. It is in a weathered overall color which would be RAL 7028 DenkelGelb (Dark Yellow). The patches painted on covered markings as plans were ratified as to where to send the equipment.
Somewhere along the way, parts of the gun shield were lost. The first image you posted, of the three I quoted, shows it in the overall color, patch with transit markings, and the frontal turret armor hinged open. the second image, which seems like England, already has the outer gun shield armor missing. The third image is of the vehicle in the Wheatcroft collection.
This image seems to show the vehicle upon arrival in the UK. It is dark overall, perhaps a protective coat from the outside storage near sea water?
The third jib boom was probably mounted under the trail leg mounts as the scale plans show some empty mount on the rear plate. No exhaust mufflers are seen in any of the images or the plans but they must have been fitted. I know Hilary L. Doyle would rather leave out details than make them up.
There are three jib boom mounts on the inside rear of the turret and another trio on the engine deck. Does the kit include this one in the turret?