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Interesting Satellite Pic Posted !!!!


Probably a Drone, that's the big thing these days. I think that if it were a manned aircraft it would be bigger.

Interesting to note how the shape is very close to the Horten Ho 229.

Reading some of the comments on that link, people upset that a "secret" has been outed. What secret? Lockheed Martin develops stealth drones, that's a secret? you have something under a tarp, it could be anything and we really don't know what's under there. I could be old Northrop N-9M for all we know. :pilot
What I dont get is the atacks on the media in the comments. I mean its parked out in the open dont these guys know Russia and China have theyr own surveilance satelites? :bang head

Must say the shape reminds me a bit of the British Mach1+ drone they unveiled last year though.
In my opinion it's a giant unmanned stealth Boomerang. :rotf

Just so happen I was stationed at Nellis AFB at the time it was being tested North of there by the same people that were flying and maintaining the A-7 squadron on base .
None of us were aware that anything was taking place. Not even with one of the crew chiefs living next door to me :hmmm .
We sometimes had an emergency landing on base by no seeums and they rolled out of site in a hanger.
That is the meaning of secret. We know when satellites etc. fly overhead.

Meanwhile these sort of pictures keep the people out of the need to know circle guessing. :popcorn

Secret means you won't get to see it. :)

Cheers, Christian B)
Am I the only one or does that look like a huge 6 shooter pistol?

it's a genetically enhanced banana! the new secret weapon to fight hunger!

No story there as usual. Something under a tarp, parked next to misc. crap.
Mountain out of a mole hill.


Its the latest version of a drone that some say was based upon the old Ho 229 airframe, the wingspan is very close in size. :hmmm
