As I finally bought the house I am living in about a year and a half ago, I have been slowly unpacking, organizing, and have been diligently working to empty a very long time storage building in another state. That process is almost done. The only thing left in storage is a now vintage VW Beetle that is ready to be transported once my "son-in-law" and daughter have the time to do so.
The rest of the process has been to get all my ducks from over 30 years of moving around in a row and get things organized and weeded out. It has been a long process. The hobby room is mostly done except for getting all organized. I posted pics for that a while back. It isn't there yet but other things have been needing work.
This has been a vacation week as my work place is closed for the 4th week. Last weekend I finally went to IKEA and bought 6 shelving units that were on sale leading up to the 4th. Like
Saúl, I have been a very long time collector of books and videos. For years I passed on cable TV and bought DVD's and later BleRay's to watch videos and programs I wanted to see. It was cheaper and the money wasn't just running down the drain like it does with cable. My book collection has been paperback fiction and fantasy going back to when I was in Jr High and I have a lot of those books as well. Time to finally get them all in one place to start organizing and making a list of what I have.
The back bedroom is a guest or back up sleep area, and I did a plan for it before anything else. This works great and saved me from spending on some shelves that would not have worked.
Turns out my plan worked better than I hoped and all the paper backs and all the movies are now in one place even though they are mostly a jumbled mess. That will be easier now that they are all together.
The books are all together with one shelf completely organized. The Perry Rhodan series is all together and in done, everything that has ever been available in the US. That series was a serial book written in Germany starting back in the early 60's and I believe it is still going all these years later. The first 108 books were translated by Wendayne Ackerman and several others and published by ACE books. There were another 20 that were self published after ACE stopped printing. I was privileged to meet her and her husband Forry Ackerman at a convention and was able to get them to sign several of the books.
The movie shelves were a surprise in that I was able to get all the movies into the shelves. They are now out of the storage boxes and the stacks that have been around are now all here.
These all need to be organized and cataloged as well. This room is now about 98% done and I can finally move along to other things. My muscles are sore and the last couple days I have just been relaxing. This week has been quite productive. Still have a ways to go and am weeding out more today. One of these days I will be able to get back to the hobby and build/finish something.