Happy New Year to all the members of the Alliance through out the world! 

Hope this find y'all in good health and properly motivated to bash some plastic and enjoy the smell of glue and paint.

So it's time to hear all the new year model resolutions for 2023.
For myself it is to get back to the bench after spending the majority of 2022 away from it. I have been coming to terms with a new philosophy and approach to how I want to better enjoy this hobby. But first I have to put our house back together after having new ceilings put in over the holiday...what a mess
....what are your hobby goals, dream and resolutions for 2023.

Hope this find y'all in good health and properly motivated to bash some plastic and enjoy the smell of glue and paint.

So it's time to hear all the new year model resolutions for 2023.
For myself it is to get back to the bench after spending the majority of 2022 away from it. I have been coming to terms with a new philosophy and approach to how I want to better enjoy this hobby. But first I have to put our house back together after having new ceilings put in over the holiday...what a mess

....what are your hobby goals, dream and resolutions for 2023.