Hello everyone ive been a modeller for quite some time , began around age of eight and have just turned 70, i model most genre's but in recent years i have been modelling after collecting many of the old missile and space kits i could not afford to but back in the 60's many are as old as me , i volunteer at the Townsville Maritime museum where i fix exhibits that get broken and i build stuff the curator deems necessary i have a huge kit sanctuary that i will never build but starhely i keep buying even more ! ill post some pics of my work in the future , in the meantime here are a couple of 1/700 WW2 Dutch Cruisers the De Ruyter and the Java i completed for a local museum curator as a favour , cheers
NWL_3025-2-Edit by Norman Long, on Flickr[/URL]
Ships Aircraft and etched details
F3684B26-BE91-47CA-A6C6-8A0F456D493D_1_105_c by Norman Long, on Flickr[/URL]
E9AA4CF4-C89D-4311-9BB3-26585CD17735_1_105_c by Norman Long, on Flickr
The Curator takes delivery
E1BCB154-E28B-4A66-A5E7-B7691332CD41_1_105_c by Norman Long, on Flickr

Ships Aircraft and etched details

The Curator takes delivery