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Hey! so who turned out the lights?


Well-known member
Well, we had a heck of a storm last week and lost power. I suggested that SWMBO move her 95 year old mother to our RV (which had power) and I'd stay in the house too give them some Girl Time.

I am so damn considerate.

Anyway, I ended up in the ER with low blood pressure (73/45). It seems that my doctors failed to stop medicines that I took right after the heart attack. It has only been three years! Of course, now all the home health and social workers want to come to our house to ensure I am being taken care of properly. They will no doubt find my stash of Twinkies and HoHos... and Mt. Dew... all the things that diabetics are supposed to avoid.

Getting old sucks!
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Something similar happened to my Dad too. He spent the last years of his service behind a desk and was on high blood pressure meds. When he got out they set him up with a supply of them until he could get a civilian doctor. Getting outside and doing more yard work the following spring and summer he lost weight and the doctor found he now had low blood pressure and had him on meds to raise it. It took a bit of back and forth with meds for awhile, but he was eventually off them altogether.

That's great news Rich!
Sorry Barney, yeah I had a bad go, long story short when I had a stint installed last year the incision they used in my groin didn't heal up well because I was on something that I shouldn't have been on for that kind of surgery. Of course they wouldn't flat out say that but they took me off that stuff.
All good so far this year...fingers crossed.
I had a blood pressure thing a few years back and i bought a tester for very little money ( the health service offered me one for free) and I now check my pressure every 6-8 weeks myself. In the UK this would be std practice if you were on medication that is supposed to be maintaining something at "normal"
Blood pressure is pretty much 120ish over 70ish these days. Biggest problem I ran into a while back was waking up and had high heart rate that wouldn't drop (85-95 BPM). My heart rate is usually under 80 unless I am doing something to exert myself. Yeah, went to doc over it and eventually figured out I was dehydrated. Now I drink at least a couple of pints of H2O a day, and heart rate is now good pretty much all the time.

One thing I am on though is a small amount of a blood thinner as I have a mutation called Factor 5 mutation. This is a eastern European gene mutation that means my blood will clot up faster than normal. I guess my ancestors were in so many sword battles that those with this mutation were the ones that survived the most so now I have it. Anyway, on the previous drug and dosage if I poked a small hole in me, it would drip like a faucet for a short while. Last year my doc changed me to a double dose pill that I cut in half. For some reason I now don't drip like a faucet, but it doesn't stop within 10 seconds either. I think it is working much better.

Hope you guys can keep healthy for a lot longer as I really enjoy having you as friends that I can share the hobby with for many, many more years.