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Na Paul, follow up with a cardio and have them do a full workup. Get a stress test! You don't get healthcare at the ER. Go to a doctor.
Amen, Bob!

I had gone to the GP about 3 months before The Day. The doctor heard something and saw something in my EKG and referred me to a cardiologist. You know how that goes, right? Yup, my appointment was for the week after I had the heart attack. :bm:

Also, I have been checked for sleep apnea and will be getting the gear in 2 weeks. The lack of O2 can also damage the heart.

Too much sex can damage the heart
Too little sex can damage the heart
Exposure to harsh chemicals can damage the heart
Stress can damage the heart
Constipation can damage the heart
Diabetes can damage the heart
Panic attacks can damage the heart

Face it, everything damages the heart.

Eat your food, drink your wine and make merry with your wife.
Too much sex can damage the heart
Too little sex can damage the heart

First time I read these! If one were to die from a heart attack, which is better?

'nuff said!

Sexercise! Seriously, the idea behind High Intensity Interval Training is to get your heart pumping to 95% capacity for 2 to 3 minutes, before one stresses the body, rest for four minutes, and repeat. Endurance is improved as well... read on:

Scientific Basis for High Intensity Interval Training

Physiological Adaptations to HIIT

Actually I did a full exam with CT for blockages, echocardiogram and all that just last year to check my heart for the racing when I awakened stuff and it was all good to 99%. I wasn't so worried about my heart, but was worried about a possible pulmanory embolism (blood clot) that I have had in the past. Have a mutation where My blood will clot faster than normal (called Factor 5 mutation) and I am on meds for that.

At this point, after all this, only thing I can think of is that it is something I ate (and probably been eating for a while) that set this off. Will have to change my diet a little more and try and get rid of all the processed stuff. Feel great today and slept better yesterday and overnight than I have in months. That is a clue right there, as my diet the last couple of days has been either minimal or what I did eat was very healthy. My best guess is that whatever it was has finally filtered out of my system.
Will have to change my diet a little more and try and get rid of all the processed stuff.
Simple rule... if you don't recognize the source of the food, it has been processed. You then need to look at the ingredients to see what has been added. Preservatives are a no-no (as they are chemicals) and look at other ingredients as well.
