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Looking very nice~! Maybe you should take the remnants of the 'other' one and make a Somali Technical out of it?
Thanks James, what has me scratching my head is in the reference shots I see no clues how the trailer was mounted in the bed. I would imagine they have something bolting the trailer to the bed but I don't see it, in fact some shots looks like they are just sitting in the bed.
What do you recall on this?
iGotta get some stuff to make some sand bags. Might be able to make it to Hobby Lobby to get some fun stuff.
Trailer in place. Eyeballed position, I suspect the guys back then did the same.
got some good filler to play with, bunch of .50 ammo cans, even have some .30, not sure they would be totin' .30 ammo, what y'all think?
Found the resin wheels in stock again and I grabbed some. Wanted to see what she looks like standing up. Still gotta clean up some on them.
I think major construction is done, just pull it all together now.