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Got to love Cold Lake


Nice bit of rain last night and now snow. At least we dont have the 20 cm called for (yet).


40km/h winds and just below 0 after a week of warm weather. Yeah

Well at least your neighbor had some foresight , ......... he knew the snow was coming , ........... still got his Xmas lights up ..............
it's about 60 right now, going to be 70 as a high and 74 tomorrow. Big cookout tomorrow and yours truly is manning the grill.
Cheyenne wrote:
Well at least your neighbor had some foresight , ......... he knew the snow was coming , ........... still got his Xmas lights up ..............

Haha I noticed that too. :laugh:

Hey Moon Puppy, you gonna be barbecueing or just grilling? :D
Thanks MP. Send some my way. Yeah he leaves the lights up year round. Maybe I should do the same. Only -1 but 40 to 90 km winds. Could be worse. Calgary (7 hours south) has shut down highways. A 54, and 25 car pile up, propane truck off the road and numerous other accidents. We have about 3inches on the ground where there is no traffic and it is very heavy and wet. As I have just been sent home I think the modeling bench is calling.

Adam wrote:
Cheyenne wrote:
Well at least your neighbor had some foresight , ......... he knew the snow was coming , ........... still got his Xmas lights up ..............

Haha I noticed that too. :laugh:

Hey Moon Puppy, you gonna be barbecueing or just grilling? :D

Just grillin' if it were BBQ'n we'd already have the hole dug and the fire started. B)
jknaus wrote:
As I have just been sent home I think the modeling bench is calling.


I'll pull a burger off the grill for ya James. Turn the heat up and put on a tropical shirt, weather is just an attitude..that don't sound right..
James, I was thinking about you today.

71 degrees with a nice -5mph breeze coming across Field A of the Pete Smith recreation complex in beautiful rural Abbeville SC. I setup the grill and started cooking about 11:00 with the first burgers served at about 11:15am. 100 hotdogs and 130 hamburgers later we ended up with only 9 burgers left and no hotdogs. Really good attendance for the game between the Thermaflex Ducts and Flexible Technologies Hosers. Good sportsmanship all around with only some off color comments between representatives of each divisions' shipping department (goes back to a missing ham sandwich years ago when they shared offices).

Oh, the Hosers came out on top 8-7 in regulation play, this in spite of the aggressive recruiting the Ducts engaged in during game sign up and having brand new Jerseys printed.

Pictures will follow later. :woohoo:
moon puppy wrote:
James, I was thinking about you today.

71 degrees with a nice -5mph breeze coming across Field A of the Pete Smith recreation complex in beautiful rural Abbeville SC. I setup the grill and started cooking about 11:00 with the first burgers served at about 11:15am. 100 hotdogs and 130 hamburgers later we ended up with only 9 burgers left and no hotdogs. Really good attendance for the game between the Thermaflex Ducts and Flexible Technologies Hosers. Good sportsmanship all around with only some off color comments between representatives of each devisions' shipping department (goes back to a missing ham sandwich years ago when they shared offices).

Oh, the Hosers came out on top 8-7 in regulation play, this in spite of the aggressive recruiting the Ducts engaged in during game sign up and having brand new Jerseys printed.

Pictures will follow later. :woohoo:

Thanks, have the 9 leftovers shipped up here. Lets see, its warmed up to -4C (this after a week of 15C) and the wind has died down to fast. Oh yeah almost forgot, there is about a foot of white stuff. Almost didnt get out of my driveway last night so switched to the truck. Today didnt even step outside. So far today I've painted a bearskin hat on a figure, glued the torso together on another figure, started a SDKFZ 7 C engineer vehicle and won another oop figure on ebay.
Fryin' up some eggs, bacon and java and going to head out in this wonderful 72degree weather.

Sorry James.