Well-known member
Greetings folks. I have a question for the F-4 experts out there. Sometime in the near future I am looking to do a dual build of a Vietnam era Wild Weasel Hunter Killer team out of Korat RTAFB. For those that don't know, the F-105F/G Wild Weasels typically flew in a 4 ship of two F-105s with a two ship of F-4E's. According to Ed Rasimus in his book Palace Cobra, the F-4's typically carried 4 CBU-52s/SUU-30 canisters. Unfortunately that's about all he says about the weapons load. I've done quite a bit of online research and found some options but I don't know if any are of the "killers". To complicate things, the F-4's at Korat were rotated through each mission so who knows if the photos are of a bomb load or a SAM site killer. Anyway - here's what I've found (pictures are from a google search and not mine, they are posted here for discussion):
Both are cool looking load outs, but I have no idea if these are accurate for what I am trying to do. Its the Mk82s. They were not mentioned in the book, my only source of reference here.
I also found this one, which is a photo of the hunter/killer team refueling, but I can't really make out the load out at all.
If anyone has any thoughts I'm happy to hear them. In the end I would like to be accurate but its not going to make or break the end result.
BTW - the book, Palace Cobra is excellent. Mr. Rasimus also wrote the book When Thunder Rolled which is about his time flying F-105s in Vietnam. Both are recommended reads for anyone into that.
Thanks for the help guys!

Both are cool looking load outs, but I have no idea if these are accurate for what I am trying to do. Its the Mk82s. They were not mentioned in the book, my only source of reference here.
I also found this one, which is a photo of the hunter/killer team refueling, but I can't really make out the load out at all.

If anyone has any thoughts I'm happy to hear them. In the end I would like to be accurate but its not going to make or break the end result.
BTW - the book, Palace Cobra is excellent. Mr. Rasimus also wrote the book When Thunder Rolled which is about his time flying F-105s in Vietnam. Both are recommended reads for anyone into that.
Thanks for the help guys!