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F-100D (Italeri 1:72) * * F I N I S H E D * *


Well-known member
Hello all, Kia Ora (as the locals say).

In the middle of a couple of long projects (1:48 Spit IX, Hurri IIc & RF-4)which I have already posted here, and like a lot of modellers with 'long-range' projects on the bench, I'm taking a quick divert into a 'quick OoB build just to keep the creative juices flowing.

So here's my 'diversion':



Using the sweet Italeri 1:72 F-100 - secured without packaging nor decals from eBay for £3.00 just before we left for NZ, and the excellent Xtradecal sheet 72-116 I hope to finish it as FW- 319 as you see in the photo from 'Colour & Markings'. I've made a start by first spraying the rear section with Tamiya glossy black acrylic straight from the rattle-can:


I've also sprayed the cockpit 'bath' and the insides (dk. gull grey). Will probably be able to get the fuselage buttoned-up this evening (our time). Photo's tomorrow, hopefully. Total time taken so far: +/-70mins.

More soon, thanks for looking.

Re: F-100D (Italeri 1:72)

Now it’s all ready for the first painting sessions:





I’ve read other builders reports on this kit – and how it’s a straight re-box of the old Esci kit. But that isn’t quite true, as evidenced by the cockpit shot. There are some raised details in this kit which aren’t especially accurate, but as a ‘representation’ are far better than the decals we get in the original Esci kit; there’s also an early straight refuelling probe and the earlier ‘short’ 230 gallon drop-tanks.

Next job – Assault the rear fuselage with various tones of Alclad, and spray the wheel bays interior green. More soon, thanks for taking the time to look. Total time taken so far +/- 120mins.


Re: F-100D (Italeri 1:72)

Total time taken so far +/- 120mins.

Dang , did someone drag in a time clock ? :sick:
Re: F-100D (Italeri 1:72)

Odd sort of day, managed to screw-up my appointments quite badly, so was home at 10.30, then back-out again at 14.30. Just got home again now at 20.25 local.

But in those couple of hours pre & post lunchtime, I managed to do this !!







I used Alclad Aluminium, White Aluminium and Duralumin for the basic metal tones and then ‘after lunch’ gently sprayed Tamiya clear blue, orange and ‘smoke’ in bands to simulate the heat patterns that we associate with the F-100. And before anybody points it out I KNOW ABOUT THE BIG ‘SPLUTT’ ABOVE THE RIGHT SIDE STABILISER TAB !! (It’s been sorted !!). And yes there are a couple of other spits aswell all of which will disappear once I dust some dark pastels around aswell. Total time taken so far: +/-240mins.


F-100D (Italeri 1:72)

Some of you may know that I'm back in the UK just now - my mum died suddenly, and I'm here taking care of her affairs - as part of this I have been clearing her house. I found this which I think I finished just over twenty years ago.

It's been sealed-up in an airtight box for, at least, the last fifteen years, of course, I thought it was long gone, but when I came across it I couldn’t believe how well it had survived, only a single landing gear door broken !!. I took these four pics and then put it back carefully into long-term storage. Hope my current attempt (when I get back to NZ), will look as good in twenty-odd years from now…. Who can say !!

Enjoy the pics, hopefully I’ll be back whittling plastic in a few weeks.


F-100D (Italeri 1:72)

Ian I'm sorry, I over looked your text. Please accept my condolences. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
F-100D (Italeri 1:72)

Now back at my modelling desk, I've made a little more progress on the 'Hun'

Two coats of Xtracolour 'Aluminium' over a base coat of Humbrol Metalcote 'Flat Aluminium'. Then sprayed the wingtips Xtracolour 'Oxford Blue' in preparation for the stripes. As ever thanks for looking.

More later in the week as the decals start going on !!


F-100D (Italeri 1:72)

Decals on....

Xtradecal, and MIcro/Superscale sheets used. Have to say... it's beginning to look good now !! - Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.
