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Eurofighter Typhoon

Looks great, really cleaned up that IP shroud (y)

What's with the black spots?

Lots of vent grills and the big APU exhaust on the port side. Getting some black in there prior to the first camo coat... sort of pre, pre-shading :S

Good idea, I got air intakes on the B10 (yeah, I'm still working on that :facepalm ) that could use some color before painting. (y)
Thanks Mr. Ditton - But you know that was an exception, usually I get three or four evenings a week at around 90mins-2hrs, and none at all at the weekends because of work & Coastguard commitments. Won't be getting any more done on this till the middle of next week.

Stay tuned.

Last day of the (extended) Easter holiday for Daddies' Little Stormtroopers. Today we go to see the LEGO movie, and tomorrow as soon as I walk them in to school, it's a day putting the house back together. Thursday, hopefully, back to the bench....

:yipee :yipee :yipee

Be patient with me !!

First part of the update - Filling & WTF.

The problematic joint between the upper wing and the fuselage took a couple of PSR sessions but didn't put-up too much of a fight in the end.

Which is more than can be said for the underside - those two rectangles each side of the intake trunk are a full 1mm lower than the rest of the under wing surface. I had to layer the putty on, wait for it to thouroughly dry before adding another and finally a third, then all I had to do was hope that there wasn't an exothermic reaction. There wasn't and I rubbed it all back. without losing too much of the surrounding panel lines.

I mentioned a WTF moment !!

I have absolutely no idea what happened here. for some reason that I truly cannot explain, the inside surface of the tip of the starboard lower wing was as lumpy as an unmade duvet. Hence it simply didn't sit into the very shallow recess on the upper wing half, so out came the sanding sticks. When I was done and offered the part up, it fit OK, no drama. Then I glued it with Revell 'Contacta' cement, secured it with a pair of old wooden clothes pegs and left it to set overnight. When I came back the next day, the plastic had sunk and warped, like it had been left under a magnifying glass on a hazy day. :pinch:

So once again out with the putty and sanding sticks. It's repaired, sort of, but it ain't pretty !! - More soon.

Well with that set of dramas behind me, I was happy to shoot some paint at the thing.

It's really hard to put-this-across, but this grey tone is 'supposed' to be RAF Camouflage/Barley Grey, it's straight from a brand new tinlet of Xtracolour enamel, and it's wrong !!. Barley Grey is a delicate pale pastel grey with a hint of blue in it, not unlike Light Compass Grey but a little 'bluer'. The colour that dried-out was closer to Neutral Grey from the USAF pallate and therefore too dark and without hardly any blue tinge at all, the lighting in these photos does throw a blue tinge but you need to trust me on this - it simply wasn't there in reality. - (You can see the true colour in the previous set of pics showing the whole underside of the model).

I tried it in all sorts of lighting conditions, hoping that I didn't need to start again with the sizeable paint job, but there was no getting away from the fact, it was just plain wrong !! :bang head - But good as an undercoat :good: .

So as this is written, here's how it looks.

The grey is a home-brew using Xtracolour four parts RLM76 to one part Humbrol (not Xtracolour) 'Barley Grey' - also too dark, but not as 'wrong' as the 'other one'. The radome and other 'electric' panels are also a home-brew of six parts Humbrol 145 to one part Humbrol 129. The RAM coating on the leading edges of all the flying surfaces are Humbrol 129 straight from the can.

And that's it for now. Next a coat or two of Johnsons Klear/Future, and start spraying the weapons, seat etc. Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment.


That's showin'em Ian, had to google that duvet :woohoo:

Wonder if some cement pooled up under that wing tip and caused it to go soft?
Back from the 'Shelf of Forgetfulness'. Yep, the Typhoon is back and will be hitting the bench this week. I figured that I put so much effort into getting the thing to the last point that you saw it, it's simply 'wrong' not to complete it.

Stay tuned.

Is this the color you're looking for ?


Cheers, Christian B) B)
No, Chris, that was the 'Hemp' scheme they applied to Nimrods, Victors and some Canberras (mainly PR9's). It was supposed to make larger sircraft on hardstands less visible from the air. My 'cell' was tasked to evaluate its effectiveness when viewed by contemporary recce platforms.


It worked quite well if one ignored the shadows !! :hmmm

No, Chris, that was the 'Hemp' scheme they applied to Nimrods, Victors and some Canberras (mainly PR9's). It was supposed to make larger sircraft on hardstands less visible from the air. My 'cell' was tasked to evaluate its effectiveness when viewed by contemporary recce platforms.


It worked quite well if one ignored the shadows !! :hmmm


Well duhhh :blush: Hemp , Barley sounds almost the same :rotf Sorry, I've had the flu and my brain is not working yet :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)

You might want to consider this


Cheers, Christian B)
Y'see that's my problem.... scared of trying new stuff in case it doesn't work.... Even paint brands that other folks use and get excellent results with.

I'll try to be more open-minded, but the problem here in NZ for anything/everything model-related is PRICE. It's all massively expensive, so on an economic level, I still need to 'struggle on' with what I brought out with me.

Y'see that's my problem.... scared of trying new stuff in case it doesn't work.... Even paint brands that other folks use and get excellent results with.

I'll try to be more open-minded, but the problem here in NZ for anything/everything model-related is PRICE. It's all massively expensive, so on an economic level, I still need to 'struggle on' with what I brought out with me.


Sorry to hear it's such a problem there :(