Saturday morning bench time! Going to be a busy day between the A-4, Mustang, hiking, trip to town to pick up a car part & try to find some acrylic rod (for the A-4 stand), and work on a paint for the iRacing Porsche 991 GT3 Cup car for next season which kicks off on Tuesday. I'd like to find some time this evening to chill with video game (Euro Truck Sim 2, Raft, or FFXIV), but we'll see how that goes.
Playing/experimenting with a new decal "tool".
I was missing the "NAVY" decals. I don't know if this was an omission of the sheet, or if it was on a second partial sheet that I've misplaced (more likely the case), but in any rate a raid of the spare decal stash has netted a suitable replacement. I seem to be short a couple Roos for the underwings, so I'll bum a couple from the spares off the RAAF Mirage sheet. Good enough. I have to remind myself that this was a $10 salvage kit, so there is no need to get caught up on trivial details.
Progressing. Probably about halfway through the decals now depending how caught up I want to get on stencils. Have to cross reference to the future K build to make sure I don't use decals that will be required for that one. Fortunately the Euro 1 pretty much uses a completely different set of markings (and minimal stencils).
Decals have been settling in nicely w/ the assistance of Gunze setting solution and softener.