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CTA1: J-35 Draken (Update 4/8/2015)

Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Welp, this build is officially FUBAR.

In my attempt to touch up around the canopy and wheel gear bays and a few other places, i mixed up some paint for my airbrush, and it went downhill from there. Instead of the nice red color i put down originally, the paint came out w/ a very noticable orange tint.

So now i have to figure out whether to stip it all and repaint or try to paint over what I have now. Either way it wont be done by tonight, and its probably going to get put in its box and left to sit for awhile until I have the motivation to work on it w/o fighting the urge to giving it a one way flight into the trash can.
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Well that sucks. Really sorry to hear it :(
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Here are the pic's I took this morning to show how different the color is. If it were a slight difference, I'd live w/ it and move on, but its such a drastic difference that I cant do much w/ it.



I've decided I'm going to carefully strip the model back down to the bare plastic and repaint it. While its stripped I'm going to go back and fix the things I was less than happy w/, like some of the areas I had to fill gaps in. I'm also going to go back and rescribe the lost details. I will also paint some of the things that I had missed, like some white areas on the leading edges of the wings and the top of the vertical stab. I got new bottles of paint today, but I'm gonna wait awhile i think to do it, b/c I just don't have the motivation to work on this for awhile. I think I did pretty good not just trashing the model as soon as I realized the paint job was completely hosed.
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Yes, there is always a Second Chance Campaign.

Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Haha, yea, but I was really hoping to get in on the raffle for that 1/32 B-25, haha. Guess I should have picked an easier build, haha. Oh well, I've learned a lot on this build, and stuff happens. I'll get it done eventually, and it will be even better than if this hadn't happened.

Yes, there is always a Second Chance Campaign.

Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Haha, yea, but I was really hoping to get in on the raffle for that 1/32 B-25, haha. Guess I should have picked an easier build, haha. Oh well, I've learned a lot on this build, and stuff happens. I'll get it done eventually, and it will be even better than if this hadn't happened.
:D Just makes my chance of laying my paws on it that much better :yipee
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Actually Second Chance Campaign wouldn't apply here since Adam and anyone who donated to CTA are entitled to the campaign ribbon.

Sorry to read about this Adam. What could have caused the paint to change tone like that? too thin?
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Actually Second Chance Campaign wouldn't apply here

I used Second Chance as a reason to finish it since Shelf Queen ends much sooner (before the Dragon gets enough dust to be called a shelf queen).

Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

I have a couple guesses, but that's really they are. Its an older bottle of paint, but no clue how old. I've also got a couple bb's in it to agitate the pigment to mix things up, but AFAIK they haven't been in there too incredibly long, a few weeks maybe, but I honestly cant remember how long they've been in there, so there's the possibility they might have done something to cause the color to change. I have heard that certain kinds of bb's can cause issues w/ paint, but I don't remember what kind it was, and I don't know what kind these are that I've got.

I do know this build will get done eventually, and other than missing out on the deadline, which I seem to be very good at doing, I'm actually kinda happy its happened b/c now I have an excuse to go back and correct the issues I was going to just live w/.

Actually Second Chance Campaign wouldn't apply here since Adam and anyone who donated to CTA are entitled to the campaign ribbon.

Sorry to read about this Adam. What could have caused the paint to change tone like that? too thin?
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

That sucks Adam. Hope you stick with it because I would really like to see it finished.
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Thanks Dave. It will definitely get done, I very much want to see it finished, but its just gonna be a little while. This one has been on the front line of my building for awhile, and now that the urgency is gone, I'm going to push it back and work on some other builds that I stopped working on so I could get this one done. I'll probably do my standard cyclic build. Do a bit on one, then move to the next and do a bit, and so on. I've got half a dozen different active builds at the moment.
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Ok, after letting this heap sit for a few weeks, today I finally started stripping the paint off, in the prep for reworking the model.

Picked up a jug of Super Clean this afternoon, and went to down. So far, after about 3 hrs, I've got about half the paint stripped off.


I'd hoped that just using a foam brush on the paint would help it come loose, but the best method is just submersion in the Super Clean, leave it for about 30 minutes, and then go in w/ the foam brush and start cleaning off the loose paint. So far its worked quite well. Unfortunately I've finished the easy part, and now its on to the area around the cockpit. Trying very hard to not get any of the SC inside the cockpit. I've got the canopy glued closed, which will help quite a bit, but it still worries me like crazy that some will get inside. If that happens, Im not really sure what I'm going to do to fix it.

And where I stand now.



*edit* Well, just completely doused the cockpit. So very carefully off came the canopy and its getting a complete 100% strip. Dont have any idea at this point how I'll paint the cockpit w/ it installed, but I'll obviously figure something out.
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

:bang head I hope you figure out a way to fix the cockpit!
Greetings Mats
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Hang in there Adam,

No idea how you'll fix the cockpit, but where there is a will there is a way!

I've stripped paint from many a model. I always use brake fluid.

(y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Finished up the stripping this morning, the exterior is completely clean. Amazingly, it almost looks like the paint in the cockpit was hardly affected, not sure why. Guess I'll see how it looks once its all completely dry.

Washed the model down w/ water & detergent, and its air drying now, and then I'll put it into my dehydrator to dry completely. Not sure when I'll get it painted, going to try fixing all of the panel lines & details I lost during assembly, and work on fixing some of the other area's I neglected previously.
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

(y) good news that the interior is ok!
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Yea, I was really surprised. It took off a lot of the detail painting I did on the gauges & such. But doing that and dry brushing it again shouldn't be too hard to fix. Its getting the base color down that would be pretty difficult, and there are only a few areas's that I'll have to go back and touch up.
Re: CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

OK Adam, It's moved for ya, now it's your move. :popcorn
CTA Entry: Adam Baker J-35 Draken: Status FUBAR

Thanks Bob.

Finally decided to pull this one back out after 2 years, and much to my frustration, the very first thing I discovered was that the process I used for stripping the paint off the model, also dissolved the superglue I used to hold my weight in place in the hose.

After a lot of thought and dead ends on trying to figure out how to fix the problem, the only solution I could come up w/ was to cut the nose cone off just forward of the cockpit so that I could get all the loose BB's out and figure out how to glue them back in.

Once the nose was off, and the BB's were out, I filled the nose cone w/ BB's, and then put in Gorilla glue on top of it, and ended up with this. Not perfect, but it will never be seen, and I don't expect them to ever come loose.


On the fuselage side, I added a piece of .015" thick to make up for the thickness of the razor saw blade I used, and it worked perfectly.


I thought I'd taken a picture of it after gluing & sanding the joint down but I don't have one so I guess I didn't, but after blending it all back together, it looks like I actually managed to get the nose cone back on perfect.

Last night I also began the process of trying to rescribe all of the lost detail from the initial construction. I know that's going to be a slow process, but at least I'm not having to rescribe the whole thing, which means it should take me weeks instead of years to finish this part, haha.