Master at Arms
Laurence you do have one of these things right?
Yep, have two actually, a small one and a much longer one, for the long PE pieces
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Laurence you do have one of these things right?
Great job on the Paravanes. You did a lot of research on them. All that will pay off in the end result!
I agree about the canvas covers!
Sensational work Lawrence! I am stunned with the excellent construction on your paravanes. Good luck on those blast bags.
A really exciting project!
The adventure continues ...
All 4 big 380mm turrets and the smaller 150mm turrets, 6 of them primed.
One of the 37mm AA batteries on top the big one .... it's a proportions game ...
And a zoom in on the 37mm - still WIP, few more PE bits to add to it. It's roughly 15mm in length.
Bit of fun dry fitting stuff, the wooden deck on top the superstructure, the next layer of the superstructure, the big turrets and the 150mm.
All turrets had received some more primer, grey this time, to do some pre-shading. I did it the other way around, but the outcome should still be good. Only another ton of PE to go on the turrets, rails, steps, the lot.
Thanks for watching this space, more to come. :captain